Thread: amog's
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Talking Interesting... - 14-04-2009, 12:49 PM

Although "the game" by neil strauss is what it is, i honestly would only use it as a reference for its glossary lol, its well pieced together for any newbie wannabe PUA but it lacks information, very basic in its discriptions.

ive heard there are a few other books out there by neil strauss dealing with similar subjects although i havent got round to reading them.

I find that the most useful information is gained from either
a. personal expereince
b. others who have been in that situation themselves (a.k.a everyone here)

there is only so much a book can teach before you have to start putting things into practice

As for AMOG's i guess when you opened the set he felt more threatened than you first imagined, maybe you should look back at how you opened the set? did you take field notes? try opening another set using the same openers but change a few things,its all trial and error right, i personally cant give advice on how to deal with an amog other than passing his comments off back to him with a "mirror effect (c)" i.e using what he has said to your benefit by using it back at him.

other than that im looking forward to seeing some of the responces from others here so hurry up guys, there are people here who need your help

Time To Research The Intelligence...

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