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CovertOperation CovertOperation is offline
Default 08-05-2010, 02:58 PM

My best mate Jack always wears big wooly jumpers and a tatty old farmer's coat he found in a charity shop. Yet he is about the coolest person I know. Its just his style, its just how he dresses. He doesn't do it to impress, or to get attention. He just likes going to charity shops, buying a bag full of stuff for a fiver, and then managing to look a million times better than I do in my £80 Armani hoodie (and I've seen girls open him loads of times based purely on what he's wearing. How many other people do you see on crowded, sweaty dancefloors in a thick red jumper and a heavy green farmer's coat?)

My point being - wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Don't worry about what other people think about it. And I'll echo Blanca about not wearing something to seek a reaction. Be yourself, and girls will be much more attracted to that than any item of clothing.

Just get on with it please
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