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Calaneo Calaneo is offline
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Default 16-03-2010, 11:38 PM

Hahahaha, wtf xD You just made my evening mate!
Anyways plane is a nice place to sarge. I was on a flight the other day and a bit late found a seat next to a HB8. As I stood there and tried to put my luggage in the locker a regular girl sat in the middle. Well, not bad. I started talking to the Regular Girl (RG) when after a few minutes I noticed the HB reading 'The power of your subsoncious mind'. Perfect! I got her into the conversation, went through some routines, some nlp shit and when the RG went to the toilet I took her seat. In a few minutes I got a good kino with the HB and the RG came back. I was C/F so she didn't mind me stealing her seat. Okay, to the point. Went throught some more routines, cold reading etc. NC and KC at the airport.

Pros of sarging on a plane:
- she can't run away
- she's fixed to a seat so she feels obligated to talk to you in order to not make any problems and since you're nice, why not?
- even better if it's two girls, friends or whatever. Sooner or later one of them will go to the toilet and you will get the chance to make some better kino with the other one (if target).
- flying is booooring, so any form of entertainment is priceless, and girls know it.

- if she's a type of woman you don't want to speak to (moaning bitches, nerdy girls, very talkative chicks) your doomed to listen to her for the next couple of hours.
- one mistake can make the rest of the flight uncomfortable

What do you think?
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