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Blanca Blanca is offline
Default 13-03-2010, 04:56 PM

Haha you weren't liking Oceana then MB To be fair, if you're stone cold sober it's absolutely fucking awful - cheesy, shite music, orange jailbait slags. Needless to say, as someone who was completely gazeboed for the night, I found the whole thing hilarious.

Anyway, I headed into town for about 9, met up with SJ, MB and Charlatan outside the Greenhouse, where SJ was getting stuck in with 2 nice lasses. I said my hellos (and in the process might have messed SJ's set up - sorry about that mate!) and we went on with the night, first stop Wetherspoons. This was standard stuff - we met up with Pavel and SJ's non-community mate Gagandeep, and I vibed with a gorgeous asian girl who was, and I'm not joking here, 4'9. Apparently this is 2'' taller than you need to be a dwarf. I obviously found this hilarious and had a good laugh with her about it.

Anywho, at this point, Gags suggested we go to Oceana, since it was cheap drinks and cheap to get in. Somewhere along the line we decided this would be a good idea (can't have been me - I was nowhere near drunk enough by this point!), so off to the waterfront we headed for some Pitcher and Piano action. I had a great chat with some army people, one of whom was a gorgeous blonde who, in my opinion (and hers as it turns out) looked a bit like a porn star. We got along like a house on fire, but sadly the alcohol was catching up with me and it simply didn't occur to me to get her number or isolate. This is a resurging problem of late, something I need to work on. Anyway, I got a funny blow-out with a beautiful brunette I opened:

Me - What's your name?
Her - Kate [Kate...I think]
Me - Oh cool - me and my mate Davo have a theory that all girls called Kate are gorgeous [actually true] and looks like you match the theory!
Her - Do you use that chat-up line on everyone?

I laughed her off and opened another army girl who had a boyfriend, but with whom I had an awesome chat about cars.

Next came Oceana, and Gags and I decided it was Jagerbomb time. This sadly sent me over the edge, and made me very drunk indeed. I had to have a minute, but things were dandy after that. From what I remember, it was standard stuff - being the life of the party with the guys, having a laugh, enjoying ourselves, teasing the hen of a hen party. Me, SJ and Pavel nearly accidentally pulled some fortysomething cougars (close call there!) but the best set of the night came in the cheese room. An absolutely stunning blonde, Natalie (maybe...?) opened right up to me, and things were looking amazing until her whore, bitch, mother-hen of a mate nipple twisted me and told me to fuck off. Charming. Not to be outdone, I re-opened her a bit later on, got dancing and started to think about some trigger pulling. As I did, some choad who she'd been talking to her came up and grabbed her away:

Choad - Erm mate, she was with me?
Me - Oh are you two a couple?
Choad - Yeah...
Me - Mate, nice one, she's gorgeous!

He wasn't impressed, and had the scowl of a man who had been shown up to be a choad. He walked away with the girl though. Blast!

Overall an awesome night though, paid for today with a monster hangover. I guess the thing I need to learn from recent experiences is that yes, going out and having fun is fine, but I need to think more about actually pulling and closing girls! Part of this issue is alcohol, something I'm going to cut back on in future endeavours.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do

Last edited by Blanca; 13-03-2010 at 04:59 PM.
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