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TorchedFrog TorchedFrog is offline
Default 12-03-2010, 04:29 PM

i don't think i have ever been associated to the growing off bud before, if i ever smoke some fine weed again i will look at it in a new light.

Miss Yates was old, close to retirement and menopausal i think deep down she knew there was something wrong but didn't know how to fix it, far easier was it for her to stay in denial and finish her year than to admit there was issues she could off spent time thinking about.

as for lasting damage i still get a twitch when i see people getting bullied and despise conversations in work place that involves the slating of someone who struggles to socialize or has a stutter, i think it makes people feel better about there own lives if they are taking the piss about someone else.

Human life is not maintained automatically
or effortlessly; its constituent values are not achieved by instinct
or magic or wishful thinking. Human beings must act in order to achieve
our lives and happiness, but only certain actions will be effective. Unlike
lower animals, we choose our actions
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