Thread: - 10 15 years?
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Darood Darood is offline
Lightbulb - 10 15 years? - 10-03-2010, 11:06 PM

I had an interesting thought while I was out before. I think it was something mentioned by Jeffy about seeing people out as if they were kids having fun.

Well it got me thinking what if you just imagined the sets you were to approch were 10, 15 years younger mentally then what they look.

One the most important things in game is setting the right frame. Imagine how you would see a girl if she was that much younger mentally. Rather than a really hot girl who has tons of apparent value can you imagine how the interaction would change?

Like that old adding of treating a girl like your bratty little sister. Or a MILF if she were a shit hot 20 something again

I'd like to open it up for discussion.
Are we all trying to relive our youth when were out?

I was trying this way of thinking out before and in terms of AA the women dont seem half as off putting to approach.
Plus I tried it on the bus and number closed.

Oh and let me stress mentally, if you start visualising the shrink a foot and their breasts start shrinking and hair dissapearing from their pussy then you probably get some help bud.


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