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Default 10-03-2010, 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Furthermore, you've still not addressed my arguments nor read the work I referenced.
I would say equally you've not actually addressed any of mine either.

Morally, Al Capone said he was a good moral person when he was arrested despite all the things he had done. Do you think Lee harvey oswarld sat there in that book store thinking he was a bad person just before he shot JFK, NO! do i need to quote Hitler in WW2 or apartheid in South Africa.

Everyone perspective of morality is different, it varies because of belief's, up bringing, social pressures etc. Even the dictionaries definition of moral is about as open ended as it could possibly be, there for there cannot be only one answer!, but no doubt a lot of common ground on everyone's own person definition of moral.

And i'll leave this topic on a food for thought question... if there is no God, what's actually the point in being moral?

Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.