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Summer Junky Summer Junky is offline
Default Seeing the best in other people - 27-02-2010, 11:44 AM

Ok this is a big stepping stone for me that I actually think I'm starting to get a handle of. I think once you can genuinely look at another person that you haven't even spoken to yet, and feel some kind of bond, or even a certain degree of love for that person, just because they are another human being, alive on this billion year old planet at the same time as you, then you are well on your way to living the kind of life that most of us on here are looking for.

Not so long ago I used to have quite a bit of anger built up inside of me, with people, mainly women, but generally against just about anyone that was happy, and unaware of my miserable existence. Frustration was my master, and it was slowly creeping into anger, which if anyone's seen the star wars movies, we all know where that path leads to. But I knew I was never a hateful person. I didn't have it in me, but I really got an insight into the world that a hateful person lives in, and believe me, if you haven't been there, you never, ever ever want to go!

So i started the path of self development, way before I discovered PU, and I gradually started to realise my true potential. There are limitless opportunities in this world, and the day you realise that you are capable of taking all of them, is the day that you can start to appreciate your own existence! And, just as importantly, start to appreciate everyone else's existence.

I don't wanna preach on too much about how the world would be a much better place if we could all feel love for one another, regardless of race or beliefs, because I understand that this is not how the world works, and would therefore just be a delusional rant. But regardless of all the shit that's going on in the world at the moment, and regardless of all the evil fucking pricks that live amongst us, I do believe that to truly ever be happy, or at ease with yourself and the world, you need to be able to look past all this nonsense and focus on the good nature of people. And when I say people, I don't just mean your mates, or fellow neighbours, I mean all people! Every last one! Of course it's hard to look at someone that has raped and killed a young kid, and is sitting smug in his mug shot, and say "I see the good in that person!" Impossible in fact, but the fact is is that everyone starts out the same. We all come from the same place, it's just what happens after that that makes us different.

So anyway, trying not to stray away from PU too much, I really do believe that this mindset is the key to success! Being able to see the best in everyone, not just the person in front of you, but every person that your'e gonna meet for the rest of your life, is gonna allow you to be able to feel at home in the world, and in your mind. The world will appear much less threatening, and you will allow yourself to get into situations that you would have previously felt very uncomfortable in. For example, approaching a hottie that is surrounded by meat heads. If you approach in the mindset that you love everyone, and everyone loves you, there's a pretty good chance that you'll make a couple of meathead friends, and will walk away with a hot girls number, yer get me? And this isn't fake love i'm talking about here. I'm not saying "imagine" that everyone loves you in order to get laid. I'm talking about genuine love. I have recently started to look at people in a completely different light. I look at them and I see the all the qualities that make them a human being, ie love, curiosity, compassion, empathy, intelligence, fear, confusion. Most people feel all these things just as strongly as you do, they're just a lot better at controlling them, particularly in social situations.

Anyhow, I think thats just about all i've got to say on this. I do realise that I've used the word love probably a few too many times, and I can assure you I'm not hardcore religious or anything like that. I just think that this is what it takes for a person to ever truly be thankful for their life. As we all know there are people with a shit load of mohoney that are miserable fuckers, and then there are people that have jack shit and are on top of the world.
By the way Tyler's Blueprint is obviously an inspiration of this post to anyone who's seen it, and to anyone that hasn't, well I strongly reccomend that you do!

It's only technique in its conjunction with meaningfulness that you get a work of art
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Blanca (27-02-2010), cheesecake (27-02-2010), Jaz (27-02-2010), Simply David (27-02-2010), TorchedFrog (27-02-2010)