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bushido bushido is offline
Default sexually inexperienced guys, why not to be so picky with girls.. - 24-02-2010, 07:56 PM

i came across this Why Sexually Inexperienced Guys Shouldn't Be Too Picky With Women

and let me tell you it sums up EXACTLY my problems, in particular my reasons for still being a virgin at 20 is mostly due to holding myself in high standards. i regard myself as a high value guy, not to sound like a dick. but in any case i need to give girls more of a chance, when u view urslef as high value like i do, its hard to get with girls that dont seem 'good enough' so u feel like ur settling, and the reason alot of people get into game is so they dont have to 'settle'. in reality it will make me happy being with a girl, it will start my momentum, it will def lead to better things,

the part of the article that really related was :
"Pickiness can be a rationalization for avoiding the anxiety associated with getting physical experience for the first time

I think for many inexperienced guys, my old self included, one part of them really wants to have sex/kiss a girl/whatever, but another part is quite nervous about doing so. That nervousness is understandable of course, especially if you're an older virgin.

Still, what can happen is you logically think you want to get laid as soon as possible, but when you're presented with the chance to do so, the nervousness kicks in, and in that moment escaping your anxious symptoms takes precedence over losing the v-card. But your mind throws a rationalization on top of the anxiety in the form of your feeling picky.

I missed out on some free passes to lose my virginity because at the time I had this vague feeling that I wasn't into the girl. Looking back it was really just masked nervousness. "

although i dont regret passing up sex with the first two girls i cud of had sex with, there was one recently which i really do i'm def going to give girls a chance

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