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SnowLeopard SnowLeopard is offline
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Default 03-02-2010, 02:07 AM

Originally Posted by DuncanButlin View Post
Speaking as a man mainly has to do with being sexist; but there’s good sexism and bad sexism, and it’s important to know the difference. Good sexism is when you’ve got it right, of course (putting a woman in her place); bad sexism is when you’ve got it wrong (treating her unfairly, in other words). Sadly, women have so brow-beaten men in modern times -- accusing us of bad sexism all the time -- that we have become so frightened that we dare not now open our mouths. Pitiful, but true.

We have allowed the very word ‘sexist’ to become so biased that it now means exclusively men being nasty to women ... as if a woman could NEVER be sexist; as if a man could never be right. This is obviously wrong, for they are far better with words than we are, and occasionally we see things more clearly than they do. Sounds ridiculous, I know -- but nevertheless it is true: they have scared us into silence.

What they’ve done is to tie up our brains in a knot of female logic: a chain of half-truths that actually contradict themselves; but we men loose the thread, and end up not being able to answer back. Here’s a link to a detailed explanation.

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Accordingly, you must study up on each sex's strengths and weaknesses -- those differences which are supposed not to exist -- and practice thinking them over to yourself in quiet moments. Then in conversation, when you are sure of yourself, you can spring a surprise attack -- but only when you are really, really sure. For you will often have to back up your argument with another -- just to ram your message home.

In my experience, even the most butch of feminists will sweeten after you’ve knocked down one or two of her arguments. She’ll switch tactics and start behaving like a woman (trying to seduce you, in other words). This is far, far more dangerous, of course ... but it is also far more fun. Several years ago I produced a list of 113 clever arguments that young schoolgirls are now trained in (so they can slaughter any grown man), but unfortunately it is very incomplete -- only a few of the answers have been filled in -- so I cannot publish it at the moment.

The Golden Rule: Often be sexist in public, and occasionally be so at home. I recommend several times a day in public; and at home getting your wife to do something she really doesn’t want to do -- just for you -- at least once a month. This way you keep your hand in for emergencies, when you need instant obedience. Anyway, you MUST get your own way occasionally, even as you resign yourself to her winning 99% of the time. Otherwise she will lose all respect for you ... just as my own wife did.

I believe your desire comes from a good place. To simply not be overrun by women, and being a complete wuss.

However, is that not just simply another reaction to her?

Just like some react to her by being nice, you react the opposite way. Most importantly, still reacting instead of being whoever you want to be.

This article was written very recently, and boy is it spot on for what I wanted to tell you. It goes through the notion that perhaps this has nothing to do with women, but everything to do with you? And how come some men can act any way they want without women leaving them while you have to do this so they won´t leave you?

Perhaps you´ll find some value there. I hope so.

Good luck!
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