Thread: PUA won't work
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ilian_790112 ilian_790112 is offline
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Default 05-04-2023, 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by OLD View Post
PUA won't work because the vast majority of PUA have underlying problems. Out of the PUA that I know, most of them have some kind of menal illness, depresion, autism, anxiety, etc. On top of that, most of them seem to come from dysfunctional families where their family members are as weird as the PUA themselves. Most of them are bad with people in general, whether dealing with men or women. Women are turned off by PUA inability to read the room, and mental illness rather than their approach. Of course their mental illness will affect their approach as well. The idea of approaching women isn't the problem. It's approaching while you have mental illness, and dodgy backgrounds.

You want to say that all the men that don't have mental illness, depression, autism, anxiety and don't come from dysfunctional families don't have issues when attracting women? In my opinion 80% from the regular men have them. And the reason for this is that it's very difficult for someone to overcome his ego and to talk to unknown women. The comfort zone is something very strong, one need to constantly take action.

In fact, I've never seen someone with mental illness, depression, autism, trying to pickup women. Such cases are very rare, these men usually don't dare to approach women. Оn the contrary, I've noticed that usually pickup artists are normal average looking men, that have decided to go out of their comfort zone and change something in their lives. When you want something in your life (a beautiful woman), it would be too passive to wait until it come alone. You need need to go out and take it.
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