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CovertOperation CovertOperation is offline
Default 22-01-2010, 01:55 PM

I am angry and pissed off. With myself, of course, there is no-one else to blame for this.

Met up with a wing on my lunch hour today. For the last few days I've been feeling very down beat. For all the reading I do about PUA, I've felt like I'm getting nowhere. I've been in the field, but increasingly, I just need some major progress to keep myself moving forward. All the momentum I had a fortnight ago has washed away. Its left me feeling like I need a shove / kick in the right direction.

I opened 2 x 2 sets on my lunch hour. Went fine. The first was two Spanish girls. I began to move towards closing, which is some progress - saying I wanted them to teach me Spanish. But they said they were leaving the country tomorrow. Fine, at at least I asked. The second set was ok, fairly fun conversation, even if just for 30 seconds. I didn't move towards a close though, just ejected.

Generally I feel deflated right now. A few weeks back, I was bouncing around. I was starting to open sets with ease, and it felt great to be able to approach girls in the street, and even in night clubs. But just lately, I've started to get very bogged down. I haven't seen any results yet. I haven't closed. And I'm getting impatient.

Today I wanted to move towards closing. I did, but only very lightly. I kinda felt like, after 30 seconds of street conversation, it was stupid to try and close from there. Grr.

Out tonight with non-PUA friends. Might get some sleep when I get home, and then NLP myself to the fucking eyeballs before going out to pump myself up a little.

But I've hit a massive hump with my game. It'll be great when I get over this. But right now, I am struggling.

Just get on with it please
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