Thread: Vaccination
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Default Vaccination - 23-05-2021, 07:54 PM

Jaz asked in the shoutbox, 'who's getting the vax', but I think it would be a better-situated conversation here.

I'll start.

I don't want one. I'm genuinely not comfortable having this thing injected into me. I appreciate medical professionals attempting to reassure those of us who are hesitant, but your explanations don't make me any more comfortable.

Anyone I know who's had it was absolutely drained for days afterward. I'm not going to voluntarily do that to myself. And then there's the blood clot malarkey. Then you have to get a second dose. And then the next thing you know, it will be is yearly shots. And people will take them because they've already committed themselves to the procedure.

I saw a lady comment on a post a while back, that "Josef Mengele would be proud" and it made me laugh hard.

Couple that with the societal pressure that's rapidly increasing, with the more people who get it, and I'm even less likely to take it. It's like, "nobody cares about your concerns, just shut up and take it". Well, no. Fuck you.

I often bang on about much literature I read, based around the topics of Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, Dictatorial rule, and all that. That's why all this shit, as a lived experience, is fucking mind-blowing to me, because for the last year, most of the planet has been living under varying levels of Authoritarian rule. At the start, when the whole world had been shut down within the space of about three weeks, I had a massive panic attack one evening, lasting about three hours. It scared the shit out of me how fast the whole world was placed under control.

I'm not trying to make this some sort of conspiracy conversation, just pointing out my thoughts and fears of how easy it is to have practically everyone shitting themselves and following orders.

The other day, my new manager and a few others were having a discussion about when they were due to get their second dose. He turns to me and goes "have you had your vaccine yet", and I said, "no, I haven't been contacted about it". It irritated me how it was said so assumptively as if it's just a given that everyone is going to want it and to get it.

Even more interestingly, however, is that I felt pressure not to outright say that I wasn't getting it, but instead that I hadn't been called on. This, I see as, a subtle example of the pressure the unvaccinated minority is going to be facing. Of course, he's my manager, so I had to tread carefully for obvious reasons. It's not like I can just say fuck off, as I would to a lot of other people.

Anyways, I'm not comfortable getting it, and based on my keen interest in the topics listed above, I'm very much determined to experience for myself, exactly how things play out for people who don't get it.

Over to you, people. Who's getting it? Who's not? Why? etc.

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