Thread: race and dating
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Default 01-03-2021, 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by jiggydog View Post
So, I post this in the expectation of getting flamed but it's been my experience living in a white majority country:

White British girls show a strong preference for dating only white guys. This has been exacerbated by apps and on-line dating, which allow people to screen based on superficial characteristics. The exceptions I have found are a minority (maybe 10%ish?) that have a fetish/strong preference for a specific other race (arab, south Asian, black usually I notice) AND older women, 40/45 plus, who seem much less hung up on race.

It's rarely talked about because few girls will readily admit racial screening and risk being labelled racist, and it's not something provable unless a girl outright states "I don't date non-whites/browns/blacks" etc. Most girls have too much social intelligence to do that.

I think the more honest we are, the more we can progress. YMMV.
Where is your data from?

inb4 personal experience
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