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db x db x is offline
KickUps Champion, Curveball Champion, Mouse Race Champion
Default 05-12-2009, 06:06 PM

Sounds like you're making some fair progress there... I'm wanting to start trying to day game but where I am from isn't so big :/ Meh I look for excuses not to do things but I admire you're effort not to let that effect you.

My advice would be not to bother going back to the same girl... Maybe in a while with a fair amount of approaches under you're belt but end of the day there are plenty more girls that you're gonna get this opportunity from you just gotta learn from the initial mistake and not make it again!

Good luck with tonight for me dancefloor game is about as far as my approaching has took me but I have great success from it so... Still gonna force myself to start trying other ways as it seems you get a much higher flake rate from dancefloor game...

But all in all you're seeming like you're starting to grow a pair :P Maybe try some more direct stuff have you looked at any natural game? Im well into the natural side of things now...

Much Love
Dave xX

The unexamined life is not worth living.
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