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Default 28-08-2018, 01:04 PM

Oh, Dan! You are so disgracefully ill informed it's hard to know where to start correcting the dumb shit you say... because I'm a philosopher I'll start with "natural".

There can not ever be an objective dichotomy of natural and unnatural. Therefore, when people use these terms it is merely an expression of their personal prejudice.

If you intend to mean by natural that it is safe or good for us, then I urge you to look at what in the world is unsafe or poisonous to us and define how those things are not natural... and you don't have to go far... there are many highly poisonous mushrooms that even appear indistinguishable (to the untrained eye) to some tasty nutritious ones or to some fun time psychedelic ones. You can't have a definition of natural that divides the world into safe / good for us vs unsafe / bad for us.

If you intend to mean by natural that it is something that has been processed in some way by humans, you are going to very quickly run into equally insurmountable difficulties in creating an objective definition that works... not least because nearly every living thing that humans are interested in has been selectively bred to "work better" at whatever it is that makes it useful to us.

The same goes for any way you try to slice it. You will always fail to provide an objective definition that works in all cases to satisfy whatever your instincts are telling you. Why? Because your instincts are mere prejudices. Human instincts were evolved to help us identify predators and throw sticks accurately over long distances, etc., etc., it's ridiculous to expect that the world is anything like our instincts or intuition. Just take a look at quantum physics. It is totally counterintuitive up to the point that we can't even tell a sensible story that any human can understand about what is actually happening at the scale of the smallest things in the universe.

And, without getting into the rest of how dumb your comment was, adding "technically" is nothing more than a linguistic confidence trick. "Technically - according to the facts or exact meaning of something; strictly." But you said nothing according to the facts nor exact meaning of something: nor strictly.

In other news: You should definitely stop confusing being a recovering speed addict with thinking it is not ok to consume shrooms or weed meanwhile consuming alcohol and caffeine. Eat shrooms at appropriate doses and start reading proper books, both'll help you.



Like a stray bullet, you niggas misled

Last edited by kowalski; 28-08-2018 at 02:59 PM.
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