Thread: after the open
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lexcorp lexcorp is offline
Default 02-08-2018, 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by Stein View Post
What are the typical contexts where you're going up to girls? What are the general things you look out for before deciding to go up?

Also, can you define what hooking means? I know Ed very one has a general sense of what that means, but try to define it as specifically as you can
Mainly in bars and pubs. Usually just girls standing around or maybe sitting down at a table in a bar etc. Occasional dancefloor approaches too.
I'm usually out with 3 or 4 friends. Sometimes I open on my own, sometimes with a wing. Sometimes lone girls and sometimes 2-3 sets.

I don't look for signals or approach invitations usually if that's what you mean - mainly because I don't get them. I mean, I do notice girls starring at certain friends etc so I don't think i'm blind to them, but I don't get them so I tend to just 'go in cold'. If she's hot and I don't pussy out, I go in. Typically girls a fair bit younger than me to be honest. They are just always the hottest girls plus i've noticed over the years that a '5' can be just as rude as a '9', so why not!

By 'hooking', I personally mean once i'm past that stage where I can tell from her body language and the way she is talking (or not talking! ) that she'd be happier if I wasn't trying to talk to her. She's now asking me questions and giving me more than just one word answers (at best). She no longer has that kind of look of contempt and is now engaged and comfortable. I can just feel it.
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