Thread: after the open
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lexcorp lexcorp is offline
Default 31-07-2018, 11:26 PM

Trying to muster up the motivation to start the journal up again!

A year plus has gone.

I have managed to get a few more cold approach lays, but to be honest, very little has changed. (one of the girls was a 17 year old BEAUTY though which has kind of made it al worth it lol despite all the painful rejections 95% of the time)

I feel like them lays came as a result of them particular girls (maybe 3% of the girls I approached) finding me physically attractive, and from there either it's impossible to mess up if a girl thinks you're hot, or maybe my 'game' once i'm properly in an interaction with an attracted girl is decent. Not sure. One of the two.

A fairly rough few weeks where i've been getting shot down at the open every time (or shortly after and trying to engage uninterested girls) whilst my handsome wing as literally rejecting hot girls down who approach HIM has got me wanted to start journaling again, if only for cathartic reasons!

But sticking points are probably exactly the same. Inabililty to 'hook' basically. Often feel like I need some sort of 'material' but the only stuff I find online are the cheesy coldreads ''You look like you do something interesting. Are you in fashion?'' which I feel as especially cringey during night game, or like cheesy mysterymethod palm reading/long opinion openers (I actually tried these a bit and girls just found it odd that I was aksing them this stuff like 'who lies more, men or women?' etc and didn't 'play along' like maybe US girls would) etc

So I mainly stick with 'normal convo' as was kind of advised but then when I get rejected people tell me it's because I 'didn't run game' and then i'm back looking at palm reading routines etc! lol
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