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Default Note: "Backstory" - for repeat performances - 24-11-2009, 02:30 PM

had a thought whilst at work today...

after continuing my most successful sarge from a couple of weeks ago, i've been lucky enough to have several repeat performances, however, it has prompted me to ensure that i have a 'backstory'.

what i mean by that is...

Its useful as a recovery tool to make sure you have a decent 'backstory' in mind, when using openers, and just to keep them in ur mind, available for retreival should you need them.

for example, i used the shady friend routine to open my HB8 who im getting repeat performances form: dates, sex, etc. Its all going well, so without going too-onities, i wish to maintain my options with her.

However, she has, on more than one occassion, brought up 'the thing with your friend and his gf' - as i put it... She still remembers my opener, which means that it was successful, however, i dont want her to remember it too well, as its obviously not true, it was just a means to get her talking.

She asked me about him (opener bf subject) and i had to think on my feet about a name of a friend and his gf's name in order to keep consistency with what ive already told her.

I therefore, think its just a good thought, to have a stock-name for a bf and gf, that you can use to cover yourself in this scenario. Ideally a real friends name, but someone you don't see too often... for even more security,, you can add that you dont really talk to this person THAT much, and that they dont like talking about it, just to give yourself extra-security so not to be discovered as a PUA.

I hope this information is useful, to help maintain your credibility after having successfully used common-openers like the shady friend, as detailed above.

Thanks and Happy PU'ing!

Picard Out.
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