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dan300 dan300 is offline
Default 12-12-2017, 08:25 AM

Amid all the changes in my company recently, I was taken aside last week for questioning, at the request of HR. I was allegedly witness to an incident that was now subject to an internal investigation.

I'll cut the bullshit, my team leader fraudulently presented yearly review papers to our manager back in June. Those papers had signatures from some if not all of us, his team, which he asked us to sign to cover his ass for him not doing our reviews in February, when they should have been done.

However, the back story is, there was a series of events that backed me into a corner. One day in June our manager was having a casual chat with us at our desks and she became aware that none of us had received our respective yearly review. This pissed her off and off she went, doing whatever she was gunna do.

Five minutes later my TL called me aside and asked me to sign a review paper, dated in March. He told me quietly "do me this favour and I'll see you right" or something to that effect.

Another five minutes later my manager calls me aside with that exact review paper and says "when did you sign this?" ... She is not an asshole or anything, myself and her get on great, and she told me "this goes no further than me and you right now" tell me, did you sign this today?

I said to her "I'm on the fucking spot now aren't I" and she said yes, but "just be honest, this will go no further than me and you right now". She already knew the truth, and I said yes ok I signed it 5 minutes ago.

(I should point out that our current manager is not in our Belfast office very much, mostly being in our Dublin office, just in case you're thinking she's a spastic and didn't see this shit happening in front of her)

I know my TL was called aside straight away, but nothing has been said since, until last week.

A neutral senior staff member from another department was the one who questioned me about it last week. In light of what was already known I felt no choice but to tell the truth. All the team were questioned about it.

I wish I'd had a way out of saying anything, but the timing of events that day rules it out - our manager already knew, then my TL got us to sign shit, then the manager found out. Our TL effectively made me an accomplice in this in an attempt to cover up his own inconsistencies.

I don't know what's gunna happen next. I'm off all this week, and my TL has been in NYC for the past 2 weeks. So when I go back next Monday it'll be 3 weeks since I've seen him.

The bottom line is, I've done fuck all wrong, it's just that some people (my TL and his close associates) will not see it that way.

The way I see it, I was fucked either way - either lie to my manager, or tell the truth and put my TL in shit.

To be honest, not one single fuck is given by me cos I'm not the one who fucked up.

Anyone any thoughts on this?

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