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Default 29-09-2017, 12:02 PM

A lot of couples knew each other for a while before any dating or sexy times happened between them. That's the more common story in fact. However, they weren't ever just friends. They each held an attraction for the other the whole time. That attraction grew as they got to know each other but it also existed to some extent from the moment of meeting.

"There is no such thing as skillful prolonging." Sun Tzu, The Art of War

If you like each other and you don't act on that to move things forward in the moments that present themselves, only negative things can come from it. Many possibilities... An other steps up and she starts banging that guy, now you are waiting and hoping for that not to work out, all the time upset that she is banging an other maybe you even have to watch them be unbearably in love and kicking yourself for not acting in your moment. Or... She thinks - why isn't this guy jumping on me, I'm basically offering myself to him, maybe he doesn't like me that much or he's just a little faggit - then you later make a move maybe she goes for it or maybe she doesn't want to be the girl you aren't that attracted to but eventually settled for or she has already classified you as a little faggit and lost attraction. Or... something happens in either one of your lives and the logistics of starting a relationship with them change, too much distance, change in work, family problems, illness. Or... so many other possibilities. None of them are bueno.

You prepare yourself for inevitabilities and desirable opportunities. When they arise you act. To not prepare for them and / or to not act when they appear would always be a mistake.

Now for your amateur psychology session...
Had to look up what is a demisexual. Genuine questions: You said 'imagine', are you a virgin? If you can't imagine sex with someone you don't have a connection with, what do you masturbarte to?



Like a stray bullet, you niggas misled

Last edited by kowalski; 29-09-2017 at 12:52 PM.
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