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Crank78 Crank78 is offline
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Default Reeling an ex back in - advice appreciated! - 19-09-2017, 10:29 PM

Hey guys! I'm only somewhat familiar with the ways of the PUA, and I've got a situation I need some help with.

So, I fucked my ex about two weeks ago. I don't want to get back with her or anything like that, but I would like to fuck her from time to time, for various reasons. The problem is, I haven't heard from her since that night, which signals to me that's she's gone into her "I'm afraid of getting close to him again so I'll run away" mode - this is very, very typical of her. She's always one to be in denial, run from her feelings/emotional involvement.
I've not text her either, as I didn't want to seem too interested, or make her think I was reading into what happened too much.

So, I need to know what to say to reel her back in; to reassure her and make her forget her fears and give in to her physical desires (which I'm reasonably sure do exist and are quite strong). I've got her jacket in my place and she's supposed to call over to collect it, but obviously she's avoiding it. What would your guys' tactics be here? What's the best approach to let her know that you can 'take her or leave her', and at the same time make her give in, ignore her fear, and come and get what I believe she actually wants?

Thanks in advance!!
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