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Shak Shak is offline
Default Pulling the Trigger! - 12-11-2009, 02:50 PM

Ok so not posted for a little while but heres the subject i wanna talk about...
So pulling the trigger...not something i struggle with in the club scene but when it comes to a lady you have known for a little while things are a little different...

on my uni course theres alot of girls its a fashion course, so, mainly girls hence why i have may have picked the course haha no just kidding i do have reasons.... anyways
There are a few girls in particular, at the moment, from my course, 3 to be precise, call them x, y and z, who i am currently working on

x is an half Asian girl from the year above, all is well with her, wont have a problem with her

y is a german exchange student, now iv been flirting a little while things are goin well, so well it pissed my ex off coz she to is from my course, but still not pulled the trigger with her and gone in for the kiss, its been difficult, always in a public location, uni, library, at her place one evening when she invited me round for dinner with her other foreign exchange friends. As im writing this i can see, myself, what i need to do, i need to get her in a location where its just me and her and then pull the trigger.

Some people have told me, dont shit where you eat, and iv experienced first hand what happens when you date and sleep with a girl who is on your course and you break up, yeah it can be awkward but you kno what, i like shitting where i eat so im going to carry on seeing girls from my course.

now z is where i need some advice the most, i was round at her house last night as i have been often, we talked, smoked some weed and chilled the fuck out. so as we was chatting, i told her a little about what was going on with a previous girl, call her T, and how it was just sex for me and T still carried on sleeping with me regardless blah blah blah, at first i was apprehensive to tell her but now i realized i should have told her straight off, i told her i was a bad boy and she admitted to being a bad girl also, i asked her what the upsides and down sides to her relationship are at the moment, (shes currently been seeing a guy for 3 months but i don't let this affect me because i always presume the game is on especially with this girl, as i already know what she is like as we have spoken sexually before and from the response of the question she gave me, proved it!) she started with the upsides, her bf is a bit of a wreck-head like her(like to use drugs), she gets free weed from him because he deals it (i thought of the term- a girl is like a monkey, she wont swing from one branch to the next until she has a firm grasp on the next branch - after she told me) and the sex is amazing,
Downsides:- she doesn't want a boyfriend and feels like she now has to be with him because of the time they have spent together, she likes to sleep with other people and has done in the past when she cheated on her ex, she said she was still not over her ex and just got with this guy because she felt inclined to.
Iv met her boyfriend about 2 weeks back, i went out with z, her boyfriend and z's friend A, we went back to hers after the gig and stayed the night, i ended up staying on couches in the front room with A and got a blowjob off her, good or bad call? i dont know but i wanted the relief.
ANYONE have any good advice pulling the trigger with this Z???
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