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R0nan R0nan is offline
Default 09-04-2017, 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by BroadswordWSJ View Post
Heres some comments you made that stick outto me (on a tablet, multi quoting is too time consuming):

"I'm pointing out the larger trends at play in society and the reasons why there's now a massive pickup industry"

No there isn't. It started dying around 5ish years ago
Really!? Where's the evidence? There are far more pickup instructors advertising services now than there were five years ago. Have you seen the crowds at RSD seminars? They might as well start doing stadiums.

You really think the likes of Richard La Ruina or Kezia Noble are raking it in?
I met a guy in London who used to do Kezia's marketing and by his account yeah she IS raking it in. So much so that he went and started HIS OWN pickup business and is still at it. I met one guy who he charged 3 fucking grand for a few 'nightgame' training sessions. Sound like RAKING IT IN?

"In fact the success rate is so low that guys who have really succeeded have indeed had to quit their jobs to dedicate all available time to pickup, look at i.e. Krauser."

Who are all these guys who quit their jobs? Going full time "gaming" would be awful. Approaching women 8-5, spending days studying it like its some kind of exam you can memorise. That will never work.

Guys like Krauser, go read his blog. These guys have unplugged from the matrix.

"Got my shit very much together thanks and I'm not whining, that's just you projecting"

If you did you would be having a decent amount of success with women, and you definitely wouldn't be moaning to strangers online about this - because if you did have your shit together you would be reserving your fucks for far more critical things.
Wrong. I've met a ton of decent hard working guys who've got their shit together and still struggle badly to get a decent bird. You want to tell them that it's all their fault and they're pathetic losers. I'm done with that bullshit story that feminists and brainwashed 'man up' bros are pushing.

Im not as harsh as everyone else here, but go have a think about why things dont work for you. Approaching millions of women, smashing out online dating messages & studying pick up theory isnt the answer. Go get your shit together.
At least you haven't called me a retard, but you're not much better, all you can do is suggest I'm a neck beard loser hence my opinion.
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