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R0nan R0nan is offline
Default 09-04-2017, 11:41 AM

So you wait until after I say this is retarded and I'm done to respond.

Then you say I'm partially correct but go on to call me a retard.

Piss weak.

Originally Posted by Shahanshah View Post
Okay. Your arguement is actually partially correct but your conclusions are stupid. Yes to pulls lots and lots and lots of girls you have to do lots and lots of chatting up girls.
Where did I say a god damn thing about pulling 'lots and lots' of girls!? Again you're projecting.

By 'girls' I mean enough to have a reasonable experience of women and be able to choose a good partner.

You make some assumption of what men used to be able to do. Nope. Until pick-up most guys were essentially born with it or, if lucky, learnt by trial and error and got a little more success than they started off with.
Again you miss the point. I'm saying men were MUCH better placed in the sexual marketplace due to the structure of society. Being a responsible guy with a good job who looked after himself was HUGELY valuable to women. These days where every hot girl is parading her arse on instawhore it means fuck all. Because of said societal changes and the delusional over-entitled mindset of women men are forced into more and more sexual competition. So we arrive at a massively skewed sexual marketplace where the 'alphas' get practically everything and the bulk of guys get practically nothing.

You also made an odd assumption, or implication at least, that getting lots of hot girls:

A normal thing

...It's not normal. The average guy has sex with ten or so girls before settling down.

...Stop talking like pulling loads of chicks is some God given right. It's not. You're thick. And fat. And your parents hate you.
Again I never said a fucking thing about getting 'lots of hot girls' being normal.

Predictably you descend into ad hominem and trying to make me look like a neck beard when you don't know a god damn thing about me.

What kind of forum is this where EVERYONE metaphorically beats the shit out of a guy for expressing an argument/opinion which differs to your own?

Oh I know it's a crazy braindead reactionist one, a bit like...LEFTWING NUTJOBS.
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