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R0nan R0nan is offline
Default 03-04-2017, 06:39 PM

Neither. It's an accurate take on the state of the western world, like it or not.

Back in the day men used to be able to just focus on their career/fitness and pull decent birds (i.e. attractive emotionally healthy) who respected them.

Today if they want one of the few remaining decent birds they are forced to waste huge amounts of energy on game and competing with other men.

Years of feminism/welfare state/cultural marxism have:

a. given women an astronomical sense of entitlement

b. killed all respect for the average decent guy

c. removed the incentive for women to stay fit and healthy

Hence why now even average women won't settle for a guy he seems at least a couple of SMV points above them.

This is plainly obvious from online dating statistics, which show the majority of men get little or no responses, only the top 1% of guys are getting any action.

There's loads of good material explaining this phenomenon, look it up, I'm not pulling it out of my arse.
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