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captaincool captaincool is offline
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Default Feedback from 2nd date - 30-03-2017, 05:39 PM

Hello all,

I haven't posted here for a while. I've been pretty successful over the last few months however I need some serious critique on my latest attempt.

Started chatting to a girl on Tinder. Seemed to get on like a house on fire and my game was shit hot. We actually genuinely got on very well. I knew this was a gonna be a long game as opposed to the usual hook up and shag. Anyway, met for a coffee, all good, she said I was "hunky", bla bla, she liked my big arms, etc. etc. and I said I'd take her out for a meal and stay in a hotel in her town. There was no way I was sleeping with her that night and I didn't intend to. We had chatted LOADS in between.

I got dressed up nice and met her in a bar. Went for a meal, had some drinks. Next day she invited me for breakfast, we went back to hers and we watched a film. We kissed, I accidentally gave her a love bite (I know! It was a genuine accident, I'm not 12) and I left shortly after. She wasn't especially happy but anyway, I noticed that night she wasn't as keen as she had been previously. No response, etc.

I could tell what was gonna come - she messaged me with "I think you're a nice guy but no spark for me."

I'm not losing any sleep over it but I am disappointed as I was quite into her. MORE importantly, I want to know what may have caused this as I don't want to repeat my mistakes. There were 100000 IOIs in previous chats so as far as I'm concerned, I've screwed up somewhere and as I say I don't want to repeat my mistakes.

Please let me know if you need any more information.

I have some views on why this didn't work but I'd like to hear yours. Please be brutal.
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