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Default 14-03-2017, 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by The_real_AFC View Post
Lately I haven't made much head way in my game. Girls I meet tend to be unavailable, or they talk to me for a little while, I get their number only to try calling them and they flake or text me that they have a boyfriend.
The other thing I get is girls telling me that I am boring (especially on Tinder).
I don't personally think I am boring, my general approach revolves around qualification, maintaining an air of mystery about myself and keeping being direct about my intentions. I have accepted that rejection is an ever present aspect of the game, but nevertheless, I would like to grow my skill set. With that being the case, I would like to know what I could add to my encounters, and communication skills to improve the results I'm getting. Do I need to be more sexual? do I need to make more physical contact? do I need to speak even less than I am?


Anything from Tinder really is not worth noting. Don't take it personal, just keep it direct and different.
On the day/night game, I always keep it in my mind the girl MUST feel comfortable when she is with me. Not knowing anything / very little about you through your 'air of mystery' may not be helping.
Do you banter with your girl?
Theres a Belarus girl im on at the moment (cold as fuck personality) and it was only after I started playfully but directly bantering about her awful fashion and cold culture that I could get closer. Even warmer personalities should be teased (maybe not as harsh as the cold Europeans)

Game doesn't just increase traffic to your bedroom,
It changes your life
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