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Angler Angler is offline
Default 05-11-2009, 06:16 PM

are there any rules to how many times you ask her out. the thing is she is very quite and reserved and actually belive she is just playing cautiuos as never see her talking to any other men (its a big work place 1200 people) she isnt a lesbian either (i have actually asked lol). Problem is I asked her out before I started studying this stuff and she said no, since reading all this stuff the flirting has rocketed, I asked her out again to go for a coffee at lunch time she said she couldnt make it so I said after work and she said she couldn't make to which I told her I have the 3 strike rule and wont ask again and she has to ask me (all done in c&f way). she keeps emailing and even went in a strop when I told her I wouldnt ask again lol. How do I bring this to a will you or wont you without asking her again?
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