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Nizo Nizo is offline
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Default 17-06-2016, 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Just read through some of that method. It's bullshit.

Here's the reality - Some girls will fancy you and some won't. You can try be fake a certain way that maybe she'll like and maybe she won't. Or you can be authentic and maybe she'll like you and maybe she won't. If you be fake and don't get the girl, you'll be pissed at yourself for having been fake. if you be fake and get the girl, you'll not be happy together and will need to keep being fake forever. If you are authentic and don't get the girl, you'll be upset that she didn't like you. If you are authentic and you get the girl, it will be awesome. So, there's only any point in being authentic.

This leaves two strategies - 1. Talk to as many girls you like as possible and find out which ones like you. 2. Be able to spot before talking to girls which of them like you. Not everyone can spot which girls like them so people normally at least start off by talking to as many girls as possible. Even when you can spot which girls like you, there's still going to be situations where you aren't 100% sure or there is no time or opportunity for her to notice you and you notice her attraction to you. So, it's still worthwhile hitting on random girls you like when you aren't certain if and / or there's no time to wait to see if she is attracted.

One more thing, that was a massive book with very little content and lots of filler (to the extent that it mostly felt like reading ad-copy). If you read the whole thing (I did not), clearly you are somewhat invested in improving your social life. However, if you'd spent all the hours it takes to read that book being outside talking to girls instead, you'd have learned a shit tonne more about social interactions and might even have started banging a nice girl or two by now. Focus your actions towards achieving your goals. To bastardise a quote - Reading about pick up is like dancing about architecture.


But the book says that it's a 100% working strategy. And i heart on many reviews made by others that it works.
If you are sure that it doesn't, can you please tell me some of the " good " books i should read instead ?
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