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Tom 14-08-2009 05:45 PM

I've been listening to some gunwitch stuff this week on the way to and from work and I have to say i'm not impressed.
Some of his stuff is ok but nothing really stood out or made me think I should use it.

One of his methods is to hover around women until they notice you then go in, in my experience this is exactly the opposite of what you want to do.
He also advises stalking! Basically if you see a girl you like walking down the street walk pass her then turn around follow her and then hover around until she notices then start talking to her! He even calls it stalking.

The guy seemed like he didn't really respect women either.
At one point he came off as racist when he referered to a guy who was hitting on the same girl his friend was as "immigrant guy" then did some really shit accent.

He also rated in order the difficulty of approaches but I didn't agree with them and surely it depends on the person. I find i've got better results on dancefloors than in bars but he rates them the other way around.

Anyway my conclusion is it's not really worth your time, i'd even go so far as to say it's the worst pick up material i've heard.

Ritz 16-08-2009 11:17 PM

I'm with K. Quite like his original method. Never heard any of these audio books or anything though


marked1 14-05-2010 08:16 AM

Hmmmm... I can't say I entirely agree with the negative review given here as there are plenty of positives to be drawn from it depending on your skill level. As a newbie I learnt alot and although his attitude is a little "worrying", I'm interested in the stuff thats of value in there for any newbies.

Inner Game disc: The first half of the cd is absolutely superb as Gun lists off the negative conditionings that many people have when they are new. Women don't like sex, women are only interested in money blah blah... he lists the common negative conditionings and describes why they have been perceived by you and provides an alternative method of thinking. I found this particularly useful as over a few months, I was able to run these conditionings through my own experience and destroy many limiting beliefs about the oppisite sex. The usefulness of this for more experienced peeps is questionable but for newbies I think it is a good way to destroy some (not all, I still have limiting beliefs) common misperceptions. You could find this information out yourself by trawling the internet but it is in one handy reference place here.
The second half of the cd is geared towards becoming a natural. The mindsets he suggests to adopt are again useful however, he also adds some very good points about outcome orientation, which I am sure a few people on this forum would find useful.
The main lesson you learn on the cd is what you think is what you project. For instance: if you think in terms of outcome when talking to a chick you will project a needy vibe to her and will get rejected. It goes in to more depth on the cd but it is plain for you to see how you have been involved in self sabotage all your life! Again nothing new to most but for the n00bs its pretty good information.

Availability disc: First half is an excellent breakdown of negative conditionings and PUA mindsets. This is the fundamental building blocks that you need to get right. Gun goes in to depth in to the psychological reasons people talk themselves out of approaching or lock up. Its very useful for someone who wants to begin approaching chicks. Gun breaks it down really well and I have found no information like this anywhere on the psychology behind AA.
The second half of the disc is geared toward actual approaches. Some useful info and then he tells you to go and play tic tac toe?
Anyway there is a useful day game approach in their called the hover. Tom slates this but having used this when the situation demands it I find it worked well. Its called an approach invitation induction. I have used it in situations where I have seen a lone wolf in a store. You look at something next to her (unless its the womens section duh!) and as human nature goes she will turn and look at you. You simply watch out for this out of the corner of your eye and turn immediately and notice her looking at you. At an internal level she feels safe as its a chance meeting rather than you going in direct. Now as I don't run direct game yet, then yeah maybe its a pussy way of doing it but to be fair if your a beginner then this is an easy way to begin approaching and if your experienced its still valid imo as you are engineering a social opportunity which is my only goal when I'm approaching.
The openers on the disc are ones he has made up himself so they came naturally from him however, I'm sure many aren't interested in the canned material route.

Outer game disc: The meat and potatoes of GWM incorporating the trifecta of rapport assumption, sexual state induction and frame dominance. The beginning is grooming and gender indicators which is very basic and gets better as the disc goes on. The fundamental of sexual state is fully explained and the whole disc I will admit is geared towards psychological manipulation. To learn this though you will have to cultivate it from an inauthentic place but at some point you will be able to make it a genuine part of you. Sounds wrong? Well you are naturally attracted to women anyway, its my theory that naturals do this without thinking about it. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant here, just bear in mind that in this disc he tells you to start insulting randoms to the chick and he lays on the psychological manipulations thick at this point. Its very inauthentic and I had issue at this point even before I discovered natural game, as its not in my nature to start slating people or manipulate them to this extent. Useful info though as the psychology, whether you like it or not, is very relevant.

Logistics + tactics disc: This stuff is a mix of dynamite and BS. He even states that he can't believe that no other gurus mention this stuff. I'm inclined to agree. Logistics are having things in place to make it easier like not approaching anything other than lone wolves in day game, not using a wingman in day game, check for a wedding ring first and loads of other stuff that gets overlooked. Yeah you can still succeed if you do this but his point is you are making things easier or difficult for yourself and by using set logistics you are making things easier. He makes good points throughout the disc but in some cases you have to question the material he is throwing at you. For instance if you get a chick back to yours and is outside your house in the car and changes her mind he has methods for tricking them in to your house!! He admits it sounds serial killer shit but the main lessons here are persistence and accountability. You can get accountability from his free stuff but some of the persistence stuff is verging on the wrongability side! There are also manipulations for relationships! The useful part I took from this though are when selecting a partner, if she was dumped in her last relationship, she is likely to go cold on you 3-4 months after you start. Don't know how much truth is in this but I have noticed things like this before.

Missions disc: These are the day game missions I started doing to get over my AA. Having being doing it on and off for a few months, I still have AA somewhat and still back down from some approaches, although I am able to push through it easier these days and when I get in set I find my anxiety has dropped considerably. I skipped ahead for the poitns where I was in set and wanted to know what to do next. Intially I got nowhere but lately I have been seeing results from my sexual state projection and I believe it is a valid methodology. You can learn this from his free material however it is broken down in to a step by step methodology here. Useful for beginners for sure.

My advice, if you are new, then you will find alot of use from this and can highly reccomend it as long as you bear in mind that you shouldn't really be aiming to use the material as manipulations. The inner game, logistics and availability discs are very worthwhile and if you want more info about sexual state, then outer game is a must if you sift the BS.

Dr. Chist 30-05-2010 04:12 PM

Ive read most of what's out there but only last night looked at the gunwitch method, I disagree with a lot of what he says but it looks like it could work, I got my own style after months of practice so I doubt Im gonna drop my authentic self to take on his methods, but I'm sure there's something for other people in that stuff!

I heard he had a heart attack late;y but is recovering, best wishes to that crazy hermit ass motha f%$£*r

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