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rocknrolla 09-07-2010 02:08 PM

Ecology Signal routine
Hey guys came up with a great routine based upon the NLP principal of the ecology signal. I've field tested it a couple of times and it seems to work just fine.

So drop in to the conversation that she looks like she's having a good time but she could be better. She will probably say that she's having an amazing time but doubt her and tell her you can make it better.

Tell her that in NLP there is a term called the ecology signal. Everyone knows what they feel like when they are having a bad time and where they feel it in their body but no-one recognises what if feels like when they're having a good time. Then ask them if they know what it feels like when they're having a good time and where they feel it in their body.

They usually won't.

Then explain that you are feeling absolutely amazing tonight and that you're going to transfer some of that energy to them. Say that your ecology signal feels like a ball of light in your chest (my actual ecology signal but you will see that it's not going to be as effective if your ecology signal is in your toe).

Ask her to put her hand on your chest. Any resistance should be met with "Wow I thought you were adventurous and willing to try new things, guess I was wrong" and turn to leave.

I haven't had any real resistance to this so just do whatever works for you.

With their hand over your heart explain that you are going to let the energy pass from out of you and down her arm and that you will trace the path to show her how it's travelling. Trace the path slowly down her arm making sure that you pass the pit of the elbow to give her a little pleasureable sensation.

NB:If she is wearing a watch make sure she takes it off so it "doesn't interrupt the flow".

As you're doing it ask her if she can see the colour of the light, they'll play along even if they can't.

Describe the light, whatever colour it is, spreading as you trace the line, it vibrates and hums faintly bring feelings of overwhelming joy and happiness.

Continue to trace the line as far as they feel comfortable, then describe it building to a crescendo until they feel the best they have ever felt. The ask them to take 3 deep breaths and really enjoy the feeling.

Next tell them that this was a gift you have just given them and that whenever they feel good they will think of you but this feeling will be even more powerful when you are around.

Then transition in to something else.

Don't concentrate on getting the steps bang on it's great for kino and a massive dhv. Everyone I've used it on loves it. I even anchored it to a word for one of them and it still works.

Have fun and let me know how it works for you.

Rock n Rolla

Phil 09-07-2010 02:48 PM

i do a similar thing with girls, for the feeling/colour of arousal.

its better effect face to face but alot of girls back off... i do it online alot u gat alot of girls doin alot of wrong things LOL

i did it to a girl once at a bar, the barman i knew had read the game, and i was speaking to this girl and so was he.... he tried to amog me ... and said something along the lines of DONT U READ UP ON PICKING UP WOMEN ... CUNT

i replied YES actually, .. the girl laughed i went to the toilet & wen i came back he had passed her his number and looked smugly as i returned. so i thought OK WATCH THIS SPACE SHIT HEADS.(granted i wasnt even interested in this girl)

i turned to the girl and said, ok so here is how it works, without touching a girl i can increase her state of arousal TO NEW Heights... she laughed but gave me the opportunity.... so i did synisthesia on arousal right infront of everyone, she went into trance, eyes glazed her whole body shifted knees from the bar to me bam he was IGNORED her and her friend ended up at my place, to which i later told her to leave as there where strippers coming :)

synisthesia and NLP are awsome used correct

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