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Keychain 20-12-2009 01:47 PM

Keychain’s KJ Challenge!
- The Challenge of Kings…

Defining a Keyboard Jockey
KJ is the acronym for the phrase ‘keyboard-jockey’. He’s the kind of guy who knows Magic Bullets back to front, can quote entire passages from the Classic Writings and impresses his friends at lair meetings with impressions of his favourite Gurus!
Aside from their encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Pick-Up, perhaps their most defining characteristic is that they have absolutely no game. They can lecture for hours, give forum advice ad nauseam but they never go out, they never approach and they never get laid…their game sucks!

The Evolution of a Keyboard Jockey
It’s actually very easy to turn into one of these gentlemen. Here are a few of the pathways to KJ-hood:
  • ‘I’m just going to take a couple of weeks/months/years to internalise the material before I start going out, you know?’
  • ‘Wow, this dating science stuff is amazing! I just want to go home and read up on it all and get it down before I go out.’
  • 'I used to have good game, got a girlfriend and dropped out of game. Since we broke up, my ego-protection won’t allow me to go out and approach again. I’m afraid I’ll be rusty and won’t live up to my own self-image as a ladies’ man.’
If you’re slipping down the KJ path of Mansize Kleenex tissues and scented lotion, consider the following points:
  • Perfectionism is our enemy. So many times we want to understand everything and get it all straight in our head before we go out and talk to girls. We feel like if we have everything clear and in order then we’ll just ace our interactions every time. That attitude is complete nonsense! Without direct experience with reality (i.e., talking to real girls) none of the information you read and study will be of any use to you. For one, without regular, focused time in-field you will lack the context in which the principles and routines operate. We may think we understand attraction but until we have the experience of repeatedly eliciting it in the women we meet, we have no idea what attraction is. Secondly, all the knowledge in the world will not get us laid unless we approach! If we sit at home masturbating over the latest post by our favourite Guru and never get out and meet girls then we’ll just be another loser with no results, no girls and no game.

  • Reading lots of information clogs our thought processes and slows us down. We have so much theory and information running through our minds that we sink into analysis paralysis – a state of complete inertia where all normal social functions are severely impaired. Good information timing is crucial. Theory should be used to plug the holes in our game and help us develop our weak areas – if we can already open and tease but always get flaky numbers, read up on qualification! We mustn’t waste time reading about high level social circle mastery and super-tantra-orgasm techniques if we can’t even approach a woman – the road to mastery is to work on one or two aspects of game at a time and really focus on them until we have them down.

  • Believe it or not, people did get laid before dating science was invented. I’m pretty sure my parents didn’t meet and fall in love because my dad attended a breakthrough comfort seminar or knew the finer points of rapid escalation. Chances are your grandfather never wore NewRock boots, goggles, black nail polish and didn’t practice his customised routine stack in a mirror. Get out there and approach. If you’re truly hopeless and have no game, write down an opener, a transition, a couple of simple attraction routines, go to a bar or club and open every set you can find. As you hit sticking points: wash, rinse and repeat – a little specific theory, some practical routines or conversation ideas and then back out to meet girls. Look to the theory in extreme moderation and only when you specifically need it!

Keychain’s KJ Challenge

KJ’s, I challenge thee!
  • For 30 days, there shall be no more pick-up related reading, listening or forumising!

  • For 30 days, thou shalt go out and socialise. Either:
    - go out every night to a bar for at least one hour, approaching at least three sets!
    - Form the Approach Habit and approach a single girl every day!
    - You may skip a day/night of approaches for the following reasons: taking a day to go shopping to improve your fashion (see Keys on Fashion) or participating in a social, lifestyle-enhancing activity (i.e., salsa class).

After that, you’ll be a changed man. You’ll have actually begun the process of getting real, tangible results in your quest to improve your social skills. After accumulating these reference experiences, and only after, you can come back to the material to read up on areas in which you want to improve.

Unrelated photo of hot girl for general inspiration.

I regularly ‘fast’ from seduction/self-help learning materials for periods of time and advise it for those who feel burned out and stale, at a brick wall or overloaded with information. Also, if you still suck after a year ‘in the community’, this is a strongly advised course of action.

Guys, I know it’s fun to read this stuff and know how much courage it takes to get out there and submit yourself to the learning process. But great riches await those who dare to really commit to improvement

"Genius is an infinite capacity for taking life by the scruff of the neck."
Katherine Hepburn

:D Has anyone out there tried a similar 30-day challenge or ‘KJ Cure’? If so, I’d love to hear about your experiences – leave a comment!

Good luck!


Status 20-12-2009 02:29 PM

Fuckin great post. Excellent points raised. I'm currently pretty much a kj at the moment. I must put a stop to it immediately! It's not as if I have much of a choice at the moment though. Fuckin career.

bushido 20-12-2009 07:45 PM

m8 fuking awesome post! i too was one of those 'wankers' lol just learn all the game critique my friends game etc but not do anythin myself, at the end of the day practice is wat u need. even if u nothin of game consisten practice wud give u the skills, but practice with the knowlege of game makes will make u a sex panther.


secretpua 21-12-2009 08:17 AM

Cool post. I'm currently half way through approaching 200 women in one month, which boils down to about seven a day. It's intense and time consuming but the results spiral so quickly. The thing I noticed most is how all the openers that you think are going to be good are just lame, keep it simple and relax and the results are pretty amazing.

Secret London Pua

Simply David 21-12-2009 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by secretpua (Post 12127)
keep it simple and relax and the results are pretty amazing.

Thats the way kiddo, keep it up with this in mind and you'll go far. :clapclap:

Keychain 21-12-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tw1sted (Post 12085)
Fuckin great post. Excellent points raised. I'm currently pretty much a kj at the moment. I must put a stop to it immediately! It's not as if I have much of a choice at the moment though. Fuckin career.

Hey Twisted,

Thanks for the props :)

It's really frustrating when career and general craziness of life gets in the way of socialising...I've had this happen on a number of occassion.

One of the solutions I found worked well was to commit to making 1 approach a day, choosing a regular time in my schedule (for me, it was on my commute). It doesn't matter if the approach goes well or badly, the point is to do something positive towards improving your social momentum. Really useful. I actually posted an article about it here, let me find it...

Found it: http://www.puaforum.co.uk/pua-genera...ach-habit.html

Good luck dude!


Keychain 21-12-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by bushido (Post 12107)
m8 fuking awesome post! i too was one of those 'wankers' lol just learn all the game critique my friends game etc but not do anythin myself, at the end of the day practice is wat u need. even if u nothin of game consisten practice wud give u the skills, but practice with the knowlege of game makes will make u a sex panther.


Haha, that's genius!

Practice + Knowledge = SEX PANTHER!

Totally agree that face-time with pretty girls is the way forward. Hmm, just talking about this is getting me excited about going out tonight... :)


Keychain 21-12-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by secretpua (Post 12127)
Cool post. I'm currently half way through approaching 200 women in one month, which boils down to about seven a day. It's intense and time consuming but the results spiral so quickly. The thing I noticed most is how all the openers that you think are going to be good are just lame, keep it simple and relax and the results are pretty amazing.

Secret London Pua

200 in a month is a great goal, really intensive - you probably won't want to keep that up forever - but an awesome idea for a 30 day challenge.

Huge realisation there too: 'keep it simple, relax and the results are pretty amazing'. These types of challenges always seem to yield these kinds of key realisations.

The big one for me is: 'I am enough'. Game is a great way of learning to better communicate personality but at the end of the day, it's the personality that's the real treasure...the game is just a vehicle. To attract awesome girls into our lives who want to stay around is more about us developing ourselves as people, rather than getting tighter and tighter 'game'. Game helps a ton tho! :)

Good luck with the rest of your challenge, SecretPua!


picard 21-12-2009 03:55 PM

just wanted to say, good post!

dont consider myself to be a KJ, but its good inspiration for those who are!


Keychain 21-12-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by picard (Post 12161)
just wanted to say, good post!

dont consider myself to be a KJ, but its good inspiration for those who are!


Thanks Picard!


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