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Nocturnatum 14-10-2009 01:12 AM

Speed Seducer Rules.
Here are the Speed Seducer Rules. I have them on flash cards and just thought I'd share them in case someone never knew about them. I've added a few extra notes myself (as seen in italic).

Speed Seducer Rule 1.
Always communicate with an outcome in mind!
When you talk to a woman don't do it to be flapping your lips! Think of the states you want her in then use your skills to direct her to them!

Example states could be; Flirtatious, Interested, Curious, Fun, Emotional, Logical, Creative, Physical, Happy, etc.

Speed Seducer Rule 2.
The purpose of your communication is to get you a result!
The purpose of your communication is not to give her an understanding. The purpose of your communication is to get you a result! Speed seduction works by manipulating and directing unconscious processes not by getting her conscious agreement. Leave arguing to her buddies.

Example results could be; Number close, bounce to another location, bounce to another venue, kiss close, fuck close, etc.

Speed Seducer Rule 3.
Speed seducing is fun!
The best magic is playfully done! If you aren't having fun with it, it isn't speed seduction!

Examples of fun; Being self amusing, being social, learning from the target, learning from practise, realising what works for you, realising what doesn't, overcoming sticking points, finding sticking points to overcome, etc.

Speed Seducer Rule 4.
Keep your skills a secret!
Speed seducing works because it is hidden and undetectable. True at very advanced levels you can tell them what you're doing and it will still work, but why give them the chance? Your aim is to get a result, not impress with what you know.

Very clear advice. Although some PUAs might want to talk about what they're doing to keep focused, it's prolly better to get involved in the interaction and stay 'out of your head'. Enjoy the sarge.

Speed Seducer Rule 5.
Be a stainless steel fist in a velvet glove!
Always be as low key as possible in application of your skills. Not "ha - ha I'm doing this thing to you" but "isn't it interesting how the mind works?" Soften, soften, and soften some more.

This is about how you frame what you're saying/doing with the target. Women naturally have good intuitions about men and know when men are trying to manipulate women. Its better to give off a good vibe than to be an ass about it. Just imagine an ugly trying to manipulate you into bed and you'll get the point.

Speed Seducer Rule 6.
Always go from least intrusive to most intrusive.
Don't start right off moving women's internal pictures! Do it only after first juicing them up with language patterns and/or anchoring.

Start with the basics then transition into the more complicated stuff. Allow a women to become receptive to your game.

Speed Seducer Rule 7.
Don't resist what she offers... turn it around and use it as leverage.
Always use what's there - if she resists you by saying "I'm not ready" don't ask why! Find out "how" she makes herself not ready and disrupt and interrupt it so you can then lead her back to where you want her to be.

This is about being under the radar and taking control skilfully rather than bashfully. Dominate by means of seduction and not by being a chode.

Speed Seducer Rule 8.
Challenge is where the fun is!
What doesn't or isn't working is the doorway to new fun and power. Speed seduction grew out of things not working forcing me to look for what did.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Take every interaction as something to learn from. We naturally learn from our mistakes.

Speed Seducer Rule 9.
Your tone of voice (inner and outer) must match your words! If you use a high, squeaky, irritating voice when you say "life's pleasures" you'll just piss her off! Learn to control your voice tone!

Voice tone is one of the simple, most fundamental tools a PUA uses to make things progress. Practise by speaking out loud in your own private time, record your voice and pick out what doesn't aid you in PU, it's all about putting conviction into what you say, expression is key.

Speed Seducer Rule 10.
You can't get her in her state unless you first get you in your state.
Speed Seduction depends on you first being rooted in a powerful, alive, upbeat, confident state. Work on your affirmations, visualization homework & breathing exercises to insure you'll be where you need to be to put her where she needs to be.

If your in a low state you need to get you into the state described in this rule. Get up breath deeply, activate your body physically, get yourself in the right mood before you go to sarge. Music could help here, it's all about your attitude.

Speed Seducer Rule 11.
Train 'em and Tame 'em.
If it's only for the short term, then training them (getting them hot for you when you want them to be) is enough. Long term you want them tamed - thinking of you in longing lustful ways even when you aren't there!

Once you make a target's BT spike you need to remember how to do it over and over again. You can do this by either using anchors or using a post hypnotic suggestion. To tame a target is to be the dominant man in her life. Pretty much common sense.

I hope these serve some use to you.
If you have anything to add or to ask any questions then please do so. I still have a lot to learn myself so that is why I posted this.


Tom 14-10-2009 09:18 AM

I don't think rule 1 is that bad I think it can be taken as show her you are interested which naturally you will be, so I think you can fit it in with 3.

But rule 1 conflicts with rule 5, show you are interested but secretly!?

Nocturnatum 14-10-2009 01:47 PM

@kowalski... So do you think Ross Jeffries has personal issues?

I think it's only manipulative if you have bad intentions. That's my viewpoint.

Syn 14-10-2009 01:51 PM

Interesting... Haven't seen anything on the speed seduction stuff before, not the approach I'd choose, it does seem a bit underhand for my tastes - however some good points to take away and well written ;)

On the subject of tonality - I think it's massively important, (apparently) over 50% all communication is bodylanguage, over 20% voice tone and about 7% what we actually say

Nonverbal communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Being relaxed, good posture, facial animation - being in a good "state" is often described as the key factor (learnt from experience and effective modeling) which seperates a natural from a wannabe - these guys just naturally subcommunicate their alpha qualities, unphased by beauty, strong realities, get get their needs met etc...

From personal experience working on my voice tone, well lets just say that David Shade is a leg..end - effective use of voice tone communicates sooooo much, especially when escalating and things are getting hot and steamy - get your voice so it vibrates deeply and resonating haha powerful stuff!

Also from a public speaking standpoint, or opening a group - comfort...tone, speed etc... makes us more interesting to listen too!

Likewise from going dancing, working on posture (loosening up, standing tall) and doing Rob's special stretches ;)Code Of The Natural - Attraction Body Language
has helped my game massively by improving what I subcommunicate!!

The reason some guys (naturals - experienced PUA's) can say anything - and it just works?!?! is due I believe to what they sub communicate - including tonality, facial expressions, body language etc... (PUA has internalised routines, experience etc..)

So beyond improving our life, activities, goals, dreams, hobbies and ultimatley ourselves... Maybe we should work first and foremost on body language...then voice tone... then "pickup lines" ?

Hows that for devils advocate ;)

Retro 14-10-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 8719)
The first two rules ...

Then the third and fourth talk ....

The fourth and fifth ...

the 1st rule of fight club is "you don't talk about fight club" :nana:

sorry guys.. couldn't help it :hihi:

Tom 14-10-2009 03:32 PM

I'm not sure about that 7% stat I'd like to know where it comes from as it gets thrown about a lot.

I think if you have it all together in your head then you will appear cool and calm, because you are!

Working on posture, tone etc does help but don't concentrate on it too much or you'll be in your head too much.

Syn 14-10-2009 05:06 PM

And I quote

"On the subject of tonality - I think it's massively important, (apparently) over 50% all communication is bodylanguage, over 20% voice tone and about 7% what we actually say"

There are 2 links on the post as well - the first - directed to "wikipedia" actually discusses the Mehrabian myth...(9.1)

The second - to the site of a guy (from a David D interview) who specialises in reprograming the body, releasing tension, synergisitic movement.... naturally moving like a "natural", hip rotation (sub comunicates sexual confidence)

By reprogramming/ reconditioning your body - you don't have to think about it... you don't have to be in your head, you are tension free, your energy flows, women feel the positive unrestricted energy... and kinda dig it - take a look

I found the links interesting... ;)

Sync 15-10-2009 06:59 PM

[The door crashed open, the light poured in, the unexpecting turned heads, the feeling was mixed…but everywhere there was feeling]

Oi oi me ol’ muckers, greetings from scouseland :D

First, I’d like to invite you, random reader dood, in joining me in putting a collective sphincter splitting foot in the ass of the monkeys who organise the campus internet. I hold them personally responsible for my lack of internet presence. I suspect these shenanigans will continue until they can find their ass end – walk it off foos.

(to the old skool who give a shit, yes, being back at uni is epic, as expected, such close quarters to high quantities of weapons grade fitties has led to fox in a henhouse syndrome – debauchery and assignment deadlines are the tough love I need.)

Focusing presence now, a pertinent thing to remember, from an NLP perspective, about those Speed Seduction rules (written I might add while Mystery was still ruminating in his bedroom) is that the rules themselves are meaningless, it’s the conditions they presuppose that are empowering.

So yeah, fuck the rules, make your own by being at cause and seeing what rules come out of that space…

… then slap a label like, “Speed Seducer Rules” on em and sell em to the guys still at effect. Some guys will get lost in the analysis of the footprints and others will find out where they go…

And on that bombshell, I’m off back to the castle to plunder next door for tea and conversation.

Till my next randomly designated post.

Play on ;)


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