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Swype 24-09-2009 09:42 AM

Why You Are Better Than Everyone Else
Unless you already know this or even if you don't ... Take a deep breath , relax .... and open your mind to the possibility that you ARE ... better .... than everyone else .

This is something i have always had as a self belief . It is not meant in the arrogant way in which it may be percieved but more of a core belief . Up until afew weeks ago i never really knew why i was so sure of this .
Day to day i would be around people and in the depth of my soul i would know that something about me separated me from everyone else , that somehow i was meant for more and had the ability to achieve more than those around me .

Then suddenly , one day it clicked . It clicked that it wasn't just me but everyone in this said 'community' . It made me realize that simply by having this as a part of my life , i was destined for more .
Here's alittle back story as to how i came to realize this as the story in itselfmay prove useful .


I was out in 5th ave not too long ago for the gf's birthday . Out with her sister , her best friend , me ... Sapmi and Sinstyle showed up at one point and were very welcome . Anyway tagging along were afew of the girls guy mates , they were fair enough and seemed to be doing their own thing . This was until alittle later on in the night when the alcohol was flowing that i realized what was going on . Me taking Sapmi for a ride went off to be socially awsome and socialize with the club , the second i was away , these 3 guys proceeded to sawrm my gf and her sister .

At first i was tempted to send in Sapmi and his new hench muscles to sort it out but i figured for the fun of it i would observe for a while . It was while i was looking at these girl letch and shamelessly hit on my gf it hit me . These guys were Bottom-Feeders .

Not only did they wait for me to leave to hit on the girls but they then proceeded to get whateve scraps were throw their way . I watched them ply the girls with drinks , shamelessly offer more and more alcohol in hope of what they would get if they became too drunk . The second i would come back they would scurry away only to creep back from the shadows when i moved away . I hated to do it but int he end i'd had enough and had to AMOG pretty hard (as only a well trained 'pua' can) so they stayed away the rest of the night .


I suppose i have to thank these pathetic guys who are grateful for any scrap or castoff of female attention be it given or bought . They made me realize why we do what we do . You may lose your way sometimes but you only have to look at guys like this (90% of guys) to realize the beauty of this 'artform'

They go into a club in hope of getting lucky . Willing to sacrifice morals and get women drunk to score . They are a blind men in a room full of mirrors . They are just as socially low as you can get .

We go into a room and know we are in contorl of what will happen , we have goals and morals and have eyes wide open to what is going on around us . We go out to enjoy ourselves and make others have fun as well . We truly are better than everyone else .

Being skillful and mindful of social situations is what makes you great , different and better than the rest . Don't become the letch who is happy with scraps .



Tom 24-09-2009 11:45 AM

A good way of looking at them instead of contempt and aggression with sympathy.

anthony 24-09-2009 11:54 AM

I like this post, and pretty much share your mentality.

This community does have sound people who want to improve in general and not fuck people around. But it also has (in my opinion) some more sinister people who will fuck anything they can get, and have a terrible view of women.

Went on a day two few nights ago - to an all-you-can-eat indian vegetarian
place in angel, London (4 quid only, mail me if you want the link).

Anyways, I took her to a dance class I’m attending after!!
sleezy guys were all over my girl. I chatted to one guy, mentioned
frame - alas! turns out he's in the community! I talked about my day two, and we agreed that I should isolate and go upstairs. So the next song finishes, I take her away
from a clingy sleezy dancer guy, and introduce her to the lss guy
briefly, just to say hello before extraction.

"Hey, this is X, he's an amazing dancer"

"hey nice to meet you, fancy a dance!?"

Fucker! haha, I extracted


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