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tripz 06-07-2010 05:52 PM

since watching this in january alot of people say ive changed but in a good way. I think this thing hit my subconcious on a DEEP level and my behaviour has changed. I think this is ultimately what it does to you , but change for the better. Im getting so much more respect in all social situations, its pointed me into what i was doing wrong before and how i was giving my power away and got rid of a shitload of limiting beliefs. He keeps saying its all about signposts , he werent wrong. This has made me realise how important it is to focus on self actualisation and how the world is an easier place when you become that person you were meant to be. I have read some good self help books but this is just a million miles ahead of anything out there. Tyler Durden has made one of the only 'authentic' products in the community

Snake Eyes 06-07-2010 09:37 PM

Blue print awesome. Only about 35% of the way thorugh, but is already opening my eyes! Love it! Will give more thoughts when I finish.

Cherks 06-07-2010 10:24 PM

aofelix, I'd be interested, any chance you could pm me a download link please? take care bud

aofelix 07-07-2010 01:52 PM

Real Social Dynamics (Tyler Durden) - The Blueprint Decoded DVDs Torrent - btjunkie

is the link for the torrent.

if you don't know to use to torrents: Torrent - a (very) tiny BitTorrent client


Hustler25 08-07-2010 09:52 AM

@aofelix tut tut posting that link. Tylers gonna kick your ass!!

aofelix 08-07-2010 11:05 AM

its if you own the original obviously and have lost it or summat. :smokin:

Wake 08-07-2010 07:55 PM

ive just watched the first two hours and "Oh my days!" this shit gets deep,
and even if your not so interested in being the best pick up artist, on a psychological and sociological level this is very interesting stuff.

when i was first introduced to the industry, i looked at style n mystery like gods,
whilst reading 'the game' i felt as though style portrayed tyler durden as almost a villain like character and so i disregarded any of his material, now i regret spending so much time researching the art of seduction with out acknowledging what a fucking genius tyler is.

aofelix 08-07-2010 08:11 PM

well if you think about it, tyler was the most intelligent person in that book.

Summer Junky 11-07-2010 02:22 PM

Sweet. I was thinking of starting up a thread on this myself, I ve just finished it recently, and it shamefully took me about 3-4 months to listen to it all, cos I was busy with college, but I made some notes and there's a load of stuff that I wanted to bring up and hopefully discuss.

Ok so near the beginning of my notes I have a list of all the attributes that a woman looks for in a man, and it looks like this:

A woman wants:
A guy that dictates reality and does not have reality dictated to him

Ok so obviously there are some of these attributes that people just have naturally, even if they're not any good with women. A meat head can be dominant (in the sense of a dominant presence) and fearless, but if he's not very resourceful and not particularly intelligent, ie doesn't have a good sense of reality, then he's never gonna be in abundance of women. Same as a business executive that is dominant and resourceful and even decisive perhaps, if he has a fear of social situations particularly with women then in this situation he's gonna have his reality handed to him, and is not gonna come off as attractive.

So, a woman looks for a display of all these qualities in a man, probably in a matter of a few minutes as you first meet. How can you display these qualities? Well I'll look at a few and see if anyone else wants to jump in.

Decisiveness: This ones pretty easy, particularly if you've been in this community for a little while you will have heard plenty on being decisive. Basically things as simple as deciding where you are gonna go that night and sticking to it, so if a girl asks you where you are going you can give a decisive answer. But on a more subtle level just being generally decisive in your behaviour is very attractive. "Ok I'm going to talk to this person, and I'm not going to get distracted by you". So if you're talking to someone, don't just break the conversation to take your attention to a fit bird. You have decided to engage in conversation with that person, so therefore you have made a commitment, and if you break that decision it will make you seem indecisive. Do what you said you would do, honour each commitment you make.

Basically just believing that you are able to make decisions is at the core of this. Telling yourself that you are able to make quick and firm decisions,and taking action on them, and not being afraid to make mistakes. Even if you do, people will usually back you up because of your perceived ability to be decisive. So long as you're all right with the consequences, you can decide to do pretty much whatever you want, which if you think about it gives you a hell of a lot of freedom!

Dominance: Sticking your chest out and throwing your weight about is not an attractive way to show your dominance, as most people are aware in this day and age. Being dominant means not taking any shit, and at the same time showing complete composure and calmness. The minute you show great emotion when you're being tested, you completely lose your dominance/power, because it is clear to everyone that there is a weak spot in your character. A good example of this is an guy at my place of work the other night, who was tanked up and didn't like the way that someone spoke to him, so he started threatening with violence and just generally got really angry. Most people at work now think he's a bit of a douche, and actually he's a sound guy but people make these assumptions based on your behaviour and thats just the way it is.

Dominance in social situations is intelligence, and being able to analyse situations and make decisions for the greater good of yourself and possibly other people. Women find this VERY attractive. It just shows that you have good life knowledge and are able to handle situations without any drama. Kipling nails this one on the head,
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too"

Leading the conversation with a woman is also a good way of showing dominance. Even if she's doing most the talking, asking intelligent and insightful questions will give you the dominant stand point, which is what a woman wants you to do anyway. I would say the way I have got a handle on this is to actually care about what other people are saying, which has enabled me to listen more carefully. Looking for portal words that she says and looking for good emotions when shes saying them is a brilliant way for you to get a feel of the conversation. It also keeps the conversation from going in a direction that you don't want to take it, such as something boring and tedious, or negative. If she starts banging on about something ridiculous, your ability to quickly transcend the conversation on to something interesting is the perfect way to show your dominance and she will love you for it! By the way I have by no means being able to do this very effectively myself, it is some thing I'm working on at the moment. To be honest this is actually the weakest part of my game!

Ok thats it for now I've gotta get ready for work.

Much love
good night!

Cefai 11-07-2010 05:04 PM

Some nice little observations her SJ!

Did you understand the stuff about Reticular Activation System? I get it but I'm not really sure how it relates to pick up and how to use it in your favour. He just sort of mentions that the top guys know about it and use it to get results, but never really explains how. Unless he's using it to set up the stuff about being in the warm end of the pool?

Any ideas?

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