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Snake Eyes 26-01-2012 01:38 AM

Handling Christianity
I've recently started having one on one Kung Fu lessons. The guy is really knowledgeable and I'm learning some cool stuff. He is also very spiritual and we share a lot of the same life philosophies except for one biggie....

....he is a massive Christian and loves God. The school is a Christian school and he believes that your power comes from an external God/force. He believes that God is controlling the Universe and more importantly him and everyone around him.

I believe that the power to achieve the seemingly impossible comes from within and have learnt to trust my own mind and instincts rather than any external force (or at least that is what I am aiming for). I believe that we control our own destiny.

Part of the school's thing is he wants me to say a prayer at the beginning of class and I think there are other affirmations coming. It makes me feel massively uncomfortable.

I have told him my beliefs, including the fact that I do not worship any external force and I do not have any desire too. However, whilst he is a sound guy, I suspect he believes that he will convert me. Also, he still wants me to recite the prayer, even if I replace the word God with something else.

Anyone been in a similar situation? How would you handle this? Part of me thinks I should just go with it and just say the prayers etc so I can get the good stuff. However, I feel very un-genuine doing this and not sure if I can. I need a compromise!

Also, it is particular sore subject as his wife died and I can see that he uses his belief in God to make himself feel better about this (thinking that one day he will see her again and that she is up in heaven).

Phil 26-01-2012 07:54 AM

he is using an old technique used in the war to turn men against their own countries, its like a yes ladder.

they used to start off by asking the soldier to simply name one thing they dislike about their country... then leave them be. they would then continue & ask them to re-iterate and perhaps elaborate...

then another day ask them the same & maybe another issue they have and so on.

Small movements will make anyone change if allowed.

once you agree to the prayer in a diff form as he asks, you become comfortable with the prayer, then he again will add small adjustments. its a moulding tool! and its dangerous to be involved with this guy. go to an mma gym mate

honestly soon u will be getting blocked for religious spam on this forum, setting up mass suicide sessions

Snake Eyes 26-01-2012 09:55 AM

Thank you both for your replies. Is appreciated, as this stuff is important to me!

Re MMA gym - there is none! I live on a small island with not that much on offer n terms of that.

I started off by looking into the Judo school - they never train! Won't even respond to me now.

I then went to a karate school for one lesson- karate is terrible! I think people know this.

I have opened my own boxing club here, which is going fantastic! I have over 20 students. We have only done 3 classes, but it is going so well!

However, whilst I have a lot of students there is no one with the motivation that I have. I need someone to learn from...... enter the dragon Mr Christian Kng Fu man appears!

This is the only guy I've met who is on the same wave length as me in terms of training. He also wants to learn Gracie Ju-Jitsu with me which no one else seems that keen on. However, you are right about the prayer Phil, I think I need to refuse this outright or he will start having me give you all hail Maries!

In his defense they are a bit more 'primitive' here and religion is very important and normal to the locals. It's not like England where most intelligent people can see the forest for the trees.

He has said he would be willing to train with me outside the school and classes if it is all too intense for me the religion stuff, so this might be an option. Although I am the only person in the class, so I don't know what he'll do on Mondays/Wednesdays when I'm not there!!

I need to make sure I keep my beliefs strong and continue to remind him of this if he gets too heavy!

I will keep you updated and any more comments would be appreciated!

daleinthedark 26-01-2012 11:43 AM

I was just about to reply with something similar to what Phil said.

A few of my friends are Mormon. Lovely Christiam peoples who would do anything for me, however they call it missionary work and try and I guess their heart is in the right place (from my experience as I draw a line in the sand)

Personally I firmed up in my mind what was and wasn't acceptable.
Allowing them to say a prayer in front of me is acceptable, unless they are trying to guilt-trip me into doing something I do not wish to do.
Me praying is not acceptable.

They don't like foul language , innuendos and the like. Again that is ok with me.

If anything I would write down how you feel and what you feel is acceptable to you. Be honest with him about how far you will go with it. Then just keep checking back to the feelings and acceptability at the start and make sure he doesn't push boundaries...

ninjaelephant 26-01-2012 12:39 PM

He is trying to force his religion on you

Stay and allow him to do so


Leave ( easy said then done ) as you explained

Refl3x 26-01-2012 01:56 PM

Sorry but he is gay and wants to fiddle you and take you in the bum, i can see it a mile away
spotted it with Phil from the offset hence why ive kept away from liverpool as i know he cant drive

Phil 26-01-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Refl3x (Post 61522)
Sorry but he is gay and wants to fiddle you and take you in the bum, i can see it a mile away
spotted it with Phil from the offset hence why ive kept away from liverpool as i know he cant drive

yes i can, i have a car

lucidfer 26-01-2012 09:54 PM

not sure how thick the converts are over in the UK, but here I get asked at least once a week if I'll convert/repent/suck jesus off/whatever. I tend to just ignore it, or go out of my way to make it clear that I'm not playing their games (I've quit being a dick to everyone, so I just make it clear now). If you're happy with the training but don't want to put up with him, tell him that. Be forward. Don't worry about how much friction it might cause between you two or how much mental anguish it might cause him to be training you. Its not your problem to step around his beliefs. It's his issue for pushing it. Leave if it only gets too be too much, and make sure he knows it.

side story:

Sometimes if I'm in a particularly devilish mood I'll let preachers run their whole routine as I smile and nod my head, and see how long it takes them to realize that I know they're full of shit. Some get it, some don't. It's the ones who get it that are the fun ones to fuck with. By simply being stronger with your own beliefs but being the 'bigger man' to listen to them and then question them with a few simple statements, at first they'll think they've won you over. But then you can shut them down nicely and say that you're quite happy with your own beliefs, you'll present a response they never get. You can see on their faces its a complete mindfuck.

Over here the Jehovah Witnesses come around frequently, and usually have the younger or newly-converted people going door to door. I used to bitch them out and slam the door in their face or scream that I worship the devil or some shit, but they've had that all before. No effect. Now I always let them give their whole speech before saying I'm set in my ways. Sometimes they ask and find out I'm a satanist, sometimes they don't. Either way I can usually have them walking away shaking their heads or stepping out of rhythm down the street.

Its fun as hell to see them face to face with someone who's much more happy & stable than them and of completely opposite belief system. It's outside their reality :p

Snake Eyes 27-01-2012 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 61518)
I thought you lived in London?

I moved to an island in the Caribbean in October for work.

Snake Eyes 27-01-2012 01:55 AM

I am going to continue training and refuse to put the little Christian badge on or say any prayers. That is my position. Will see how he reacts to this.

Besides the whole going against my beliefs thing, I think the biggest thing for me is I find it really embarrassing to be associated with something 'Christian'. People that have met me will know I can be pretty shameless at times, but the thought of people seeing me recite prayers or wearing a God badge makes me cringe!

Snake Eyes 27-01-2012 10:15 AM

Yeah it's pretty sweet deal. The harder I work the luckier I get :)

The boxing is going cool, better than expected. If this doesn't work out I'm sure I'll find someone who wants to learn Gracie Ju-Jitsu with me.

Snake Eyes 31-01-2012 12:56 AM

So I've been kicked out of Kung Fu God school!

Actually he was really cool about it. I refused to wear the badge or say the prayer and he said that's not going to work. We then mutually agreed to part ways. He is still willing to do sparring with me on weekends though which is the best class anyway and said he respects the fact I was honest. He did do a final speech about how I'm a good person and God is in my heart anyway, but I kind of expected that. I'm not going to change my views.

I have wasted money on a Kung Fu suit which was silly!

lucidfer 02-02-2012 09:10 AM

yea, it might suck not being able to to take the classes if you want to, but you'll feel all that much more centered and honest with yourself that you weren't willing to bend for that guy.

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