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Guest 28-07-2011 08:59 AM

Highs and Lows
I don’t know if this is cos I went out on a five day binge of a shit load of alcohol and junk food from last Wednesday until the Monday just passed..

But on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday I slept LOADS, way more than usual, and then every night this week I have slept loads more than usual..

But I just feel seriously tired and depressed for no reason. Life is going good, everythings in order, nothing to worry about, yet I am just so tired and low.

Is this just the aftermath of my 21st birthday partying? I can’t seem to get in a positive state, even when around positive people. Shall I just watch Lee Evans? Is my dopamine system fucked cos of my bingeing and it takes time to replenish? Shall I just hit the gym and smash some weights?

daleinthedark 28-07-2011 09:07 AM

Firstly Happy Birthday!!

Secondly I wouldnt really worry, this happens to me and I think it happens for a mix of reasons - firstly due to alcohol and crap food your blood sugar levels have been on a rollercoaster - so I would get it in check by getting back to your more controlled diet.
Also you might not realise it but you are probably dehydrated from all of that stuff so try and get about 3l in there for the next couple of days.
Your sleep pattern will have been broken and all over the place so get back into your program. I would focus on for the next 2 days, drinking water, eating healthy and sleeping for 8 hrs when you normally would, your body should automatically return to its normal state :)

Guest 28-07-2011 09:21 AM

I thought that would probably be the case, and I've been sober and eating right and levelled off my sleep to 6 - 7 hours a night since Monday, so I suppose I'm only 3 days in to my detox..

Also, I just over think EVERYTHING including this.. I even googled last night on how to not think so much about everything, and it seems there are tips to help with this..

So I went to sleep trying to clear my mind and not think about stuff, and I fell asleep instantly

Refl3x 28-07-2011 09:21 AM

Hey Pal, you could try some of this:
5-HTP Capsules 50mg from Myprotein

they have a nice calming effect and help top up Serotonin levels
its an amino acid btw

Guest 28-07-2011 09:27 AM

Lol Refl3x you know a drug for everything! I will take a look at this later..

By the way I used the super P force thing you mentioned, Split it in half like you said, and it worked amazingly, but then I was thinking, Would I have been that good without it? I've got the same girl coming round Fri night, not sure whether to pop another half pill or not

Refl3x 28-07-2011 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by al_phaD (Post 52231)
Lol Refl3x you know a drug for everything! I will take a look at this later..

I really do :) - im like a walking pharmacist but the difference being ive road tested them all personally


By the way I used the super P force thing you mentioned, Split it in half like you said, and it worked amazingly, but then I was thinking, Would I have been that good without it? I've got the same girl coming round Fri night, not sure whether to pop another half pill or not
The point is not to become dependant on using things like this, if you start seeing her regularily then you wouldnt take anything, you`ll be used to having sex with her and you`ll have better control of yourself.

Id personally just use the Pforce once or twice

Guest 28-07-2011 09:59 AM

Well I've seen her once..

I might use it again Friday then not again if I see her again..

I don't know if it gave me any side effects to be honest, as I felt like shit anyway, like, I already had a headache and probably dehyrdated etc from my binging week..

Refl3x 28-07-2011 10:04 AM

Because its viagra based you`ll find - especially if you take a full one, your face will flush, you`ll get a sniffly nose and might get a headache -- viagra supposedly lasts for about 4 hours

Cialis had milder side effects and lasts up to 36 hours!

Guest 28-07-2011 10:12 AM

"Milder side effects"? lol

Refl3x you should make a website and document all the drugs you've done and their effetcs, good and bad

Zed 28-07-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Refl3x (Post 52230)
Hey Pal, you could try some of this:
5-HTP Capsules 50mg from Myprotein

they have a nice calming effect and help top up Serotonin levels
its an amino acid btw

Better value for money here: Happy Days 5-HTP Supplement - Serotonin | Vitamins & Supplements from Healthspan

Giant 28-07-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52241)
Weed cures all.



And helps to create apathy

Refl3x 28-07-2011 11:11 AM

Ive had nothing but bad experiences with weed so dont touch it
there is 'apparently' a link between weed use and Scitzophrenia too

Guest 28-07-2011 12:08 PM

How exactly will serotonin help me aside from improving my sleep (and possibly making the next day shit according to some reviews, but not all)? This is a genuine question not a sarcastic remark..

I hate the smell of weed, it stinks, plus I don't smoke never have never will it's horrid..

I don't think there is such thing as a permanent high.. unfortunately..

My problem is, when on a low, I think way too much about it

Giant 28-07-2011 12:13 PM

You may well be right, obviously it's commercially grown stuff that I've been hooked on.
I did mean that it makes me apathetic, I've spent most of the last 8 years or so high, and I've found that I can't be bothered to do things, I've felt that it doesn't matter.
I will still smoke, just not all the time. I've found myself FAR more motivated over the last couple of weeks.
I do acknowledge that there are other factors involved though.

True that is the general cliche, I find it true even without the weed though.

Blanca 28-07-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Refl3x (Post 52230)
Hey Pal, you could try some of this:
5-HTP Capsules 50mg from Myprotein

they have a nice calming effect and help top up Serotonin levels
its an amino acid btw

Seconded. I'm on these at the moment and they even you right out. They're on special offer at Holland and Barrett at the moment - 120 for about 15 quid. Enough for 60 days.

Also, to be massively pedantic, 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is not an amino acid, but a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan and the precursor for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). It basically boosts the brain's supply of serotonin, but a way that doesn't make you go mental - it's up to the body and its supply of enzymes how fast it'll convert 5-HTP to 5-HT, so it's not like taking speed or anything.

Guest 28-07-2011 12:54 PM

What does an increase in serotonin do? I googled but found nothing

Blanca 28-07-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by al_phaD (Post 52253)
What does an increase in serotonin do? I googled but found nothing

Serotonin is basically the happy neurotransmitter. An increase of serotonin makes you feel happy, close to people, motivated and optimistic. Have a read of the depression thread - I've gone into more depth there:


Knave 28-07-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52258)

... and addiction to weed is like addiction to carrots. Ridiculous.

kowalski you’re an intelligent guy but this is bollocks.

Addiction to cannabis in itself I would agree is not addictive, but addiction to the feeling of ‘being high’ is a reality for many people.

Knave 28-07-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52263)
Addiction to the feeling of being upset is a reality for a serious number of people.

...and drugs, legal or otherwise is not the answer. This just kicks up a host of other problems.

Giant 28-07-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52258)
I don't use apathy to mean failure to act or failure to care about acting, but rather not getting excited about stuff, not wanting to vehemently discuss things, not getting lost in flow. I think this is the standard usage. Not doing stuff is different. Someone can be very passionate about a lot of things, but not necessarily take many actions in life. I don't think that is properly called apathy, may just be my usage though.

I don't use apathy to describe a lack of motivation, I use it to describe the feeling of it not mattering.


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52258)

... and addiction to weed is like addiction to carrots. Ridiculous.

That's a bold statement, I'd agree that there is no chemical addiction to cannabis, but there can be a very strong psychological addiction. Look at crack (never touched it myself) but that is a pure psychological addiction. I can cite numerous other examples.


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52263)
Addiction to the feeling of being upset is a reality for a serious number of people. Being upset isn't addictive, those people have problems.

Addictions generally come down to underlying psychological problems, people search for a state where they feel happy, and whatever they are addictied to helps them to reach this state. Look at gambling addictions, nothing is actually consumed, it is a pure addiction to chemicals released by the brain upon specific stimulation.

I'd like to note here that I've talked about having a problem with weed, this is something I'm moving away from, it's been about 2 weeks since I've had a spliff. This has only been possible because I've moved into a more positive mental state, where I don't need the good feelings that my sub-conscious associate with weed. Win!

Knave 28-07-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52272)
Cannabis is a plant, not a drug, Knave. Pedant to meet you. Anywho, the drugs do work.

Giant, get a dictionary for apathy (was being nice before). You describe a problem that has nothing to do with weed and everything to do with your psychology. Looking for happiness by ingesting a plant, that's well mental. Good luck with your recovery.



Good luck with that

Giant 28-07-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 52272)
Cannabis is a plant, not a drug, Knave. Pedant to meet you. Anywho, the drugs do work.

Giant, get a dictionary for apathy (was being nice before). You describe a problem that has nothing to do with weed and everything to do with your psychology. Looking for happiness by ingesting a plant, that's well mental. Good luck with your recovery.



1. absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.

Ok there is the strict dictionary definition, I'd say that thinking that things that will improve or have an effect on the quality of your life don't matter is apathetic. I've found that weed has this effect on a lot of people.

Bit of comedy value to reinforce this point/stereotype

‪Afro Man - Because I Got High‬‏ - YouTube

I do see your argument though, I mean I know it's possible to still do stuff, I've written a couple of 1st class degree level essays whilst high. I've lost count of things I haven't done, because I've gone, oh it doesn't matter. The whole reason I've had problems with weed is because when I'm high, things don't matter so much.

A drug is any substance that affects chemical processes within the body, it's not a synthetic drug, but it is most definitely a drug.

I'll take the good luck as genuine, so thank you.

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