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tripz 28-01-2010 04:18 PM

ways of getting into state..
We all know how important being in state is for pickup. anyone got any good concrete ways of getting that state where everything turns into gold when you need it ? dosent seem to be much around the net on this subject..

Simply David 28-01-2010 04:37 PM

Building up slowly works for me as it lasts longer.

Try and get a few good things going for you that day, then have some positive interactions with some people (doesnt have to be girls).

Relax and try to feel comfortable with yourself, then push up the interactions to sets etc...

Let us know how you get on too. Xxx

P.s And don’t worry if you cant get into state all the time, you don’t want to become an addict..

Tom 28-01-2010 04:48 PM

I found if you be sociable throughout the day to anyone guys and girls that helps. Having a laugh with someone behind a till gets you in the state of talking to strangers and you'll make their day more enjoyable than just serving another random silent face.

sapmi 28-01-2010 05:05 PM

Problem is you may have been secluded most of the day, so maybe you're out that evening. The best way to get into state is approach.

Now for the shocker, getting into state IS NOT IMPORTANT! Thats right! Just approach. In fact your best approaches are when you're out of state! Try it. The point is, don't think of "state" when you're out. If you're out with your wings have fun too. The biggest factor in your success is to approach. FUCK STATE!

tripz 28-01-2010 07:27 PM

cool answers on this.. not what i was expecting some i agree on others i dont but thanks anyways :biggthumpup:

Pavel 28-01-2010 08:29 PM

words of wisdom !!!

TorchedFrog 29-01-2010 02:26 PM

if you dont mind being unhappy, you cant be unhappy much longer

lime in the eye

doing any of the freshprince of bella dances

walking to the bar in slowmotion

getting your mate to clear the dance floor for you to breakdance then go in the middle and simply do a headstand

pretending you recignise some one then seeing how long they will keep talking to you before they give up trying to remember who you are

talking to everyone in a bad russian acsent

meditate before going out

tripz 29-01-2010 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 14641)
Sapmi's advice comes from much experience. He went down that road. Fighting state, happy when you've got it sad when you haven't. Don't do it. It is the fate of Sisyphus: Sisyphus

As has been said the woo style states we are usually refering to are awesome when you are in them but essentially this style of pick-up is creating state junkies. Being a state junky is infinitely better than being a reactions junky, but still not where you want to be.

If you're new to this go out and get in state a few times, it'll give you valuable reference experiences. Just don't get addicted.

The quickest way to get in state is to just do something so stupid that your normal boundaries of pride and shame are smashed to pieces. Singing The Monkees at the top of your voice in the street for example. You can't do that and maintain your confining notions of pride and shame. When they are gone you are free and it's game on!



thanks for the input i enjoyed the wisdom but whats a reactions junky ?

nareik 19-02-2010 01:31 PM

This is taken from the Charisma Arts wiki:


Where does Authority come from?
Two places:

Knowing yourself very well
Self acceptance
When you know yourself and accept yourself for what you are you will experience a moment of zen much like the ancient monks must have felt in the TV show Kung Fu.

Ok, that is a lie. But we are serious when we say that non-neediness comes from you being comfortable in your own skin.

Some people talk about "getting into state" and having a "rock solid frame." We think that sounds like hippy BS. Sorry but that is how it is.

The guys who try to act alpha are the most insecure people in the world. Acting anything is try hard.

The sexiest men in the world are the ones who are happy being themselves.
I've had some self confidence problems in the past. I had teenage acne which left my face a little scarred. I fixated on this and started to believe that it made me ugly. This also stopped me from living in the moment because I was dissatisfied with my appearance and was always striving towards improving the scarring. It took some work to really accept myself (I reframed it by looking at it as something that makes me seem a little rough around the edges and adds character lol), but I'm getting there and now I really don't know what I made such a fuss about. I think having lots of success in the field has also contributed. After this the way I feel going out has completely changed. It's like a weight has been lifted off me leaving me feeling free. Getting into 'state' now happens easily once I start approaching and the adrenaline kicks in. I believe this is down to being comfortable in my own body.

I think this self acceptance that Charisma Arts talk about is pretty similar to the core confidence that Tyler talks about in the Blueprint Decoded. Whether you are dressed well or not you still have it. You may want to work towards a better body, but you accept it as it is and still take right action. I hope this makes sense.

Retro 22-02-2010 11:16 AM

I'd say don't worry about being in state. Go out with people you get along with and enjoy the company of. You'll be friendly and chatty with them and this will just naturally carry over to when you open the hb stood next to you. Much better to be that way than try and force it as your interaction will only come across as false.


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