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Lovefish 11-08-2011 02:09 PM

To move or not to move??
Right ive recently split with the mrs for those of you who dont know.
The plan was to move to a bigger town/city about 20miles away.
However never living alone before i didnt fully realize the costs of living in a big town alone:S
I am torn 50/50 these are the pros and cons of my options

Living in big city
more game
more to do
new start clean slate,far away from ex

daily commute 20 miles
more expensive to live
I own my dad a lot of money and wouldnt be able to pay him back much
would be totally broke

staying in little town
cheaper rent
could pay dad back quicker
more money to do things and go places

boring place ive lived in 2 long:s ie not much to do,or game
always bumping into ex and others i dont like
if i game in a bigger place ive got to try and talk a girl into travels 20 plus miles to come back to mine

I could stay here bored out of my mind for another year while i straighten stuff out and get a job in the bigger town (wont have to pay £100 petrol a month to commute) then move there.
Plus get my finances sorted in that time,i spose.
All suggestions are welcome,i really am torn what to do in this matter.
I was so certain moving away was what i wanted to do,but i am concerned if im always broke all the time and unable to sort my debts out ill become resentful and end up wishing i never moved!!:dead1:

Guest 11-08-2011 02:52 PM

I don't fully understand your situation right now so please elaborate on the following:
Do you still live with your ex? or has she moved out?
Do you rent the house you live in? Are you financially stable now?

If I were you, just to avoid all the shitty conflict I'd move the fuck out SOMEWHERE ANYWHERE away from her..

But breakups don't have to be shitty and spiteful. Mutually agree to just leave each other alone.

Move away, get a better job, do an Open Uni course (funded by government), get a cheaper car, you're guna need the spare cash for dating hot chicks!

Anyway, good to hear you finally broke up.. how you holding out?


Good luck dude

Giant 11-08-2011 03:20 PM

I take it by big city you mean Northampton, the rent is cheap. You always have the option of getting a room in a house share. You can always look for a new job once you've moved, in the mean time 20 miles commute isn't too bad, plus the A43 can be kind of fun.

Zed 11-08-2011 05:15 PM

FYI - 20 mile commute either way does not equal £100 per month in fuel, its more like £200.

Sort out problems first. They tend to follow if not sorted.

Phil 11-08-2011 05:24 PM

just move, your life will change for the better. take the risk, big things only happen with big change... even if it doesnt work (which it will) you can always move back.

JUST DO IT!! No Regrets mate

Lovefish 11-08-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by al_phaD (Post 53418)
I don't fully understand your situation right now so please elaborate on the following:
Do you still live with your ex? or has she moved out?
Do you rent the house you live in? Are you financially stable now?

If I were you, just to avoid all the shitty conflict I'd move the fuck out SOMEWHERE ANYWHERE away from her..

But breakups don't have to be shitty and spiteful. Mutually agree to just leave each other alone.

Move away, get a better job, do an Open Uni course (funded by government), get a cheaper car, you're guna need the spare cash for dating hot chicks!

Anyway, good to hear you finally broke up.. how you holding out?


Good luck dude

I am currently living with the ex,she had to move back as the house is in her name not mine and her brother came back from travelling and needed his room back.It is a rented property.I also do have a stable job.
Its pretty awkward here at mo but there is no conflict its all been pretty amicable and adult,we were friends for 7years before we started going out.I think she still wants me back,but shes been told in no uncertain terms NO,the best she can hope for is friendship.
Shes put a deposit down on a property and ive got till the start of october to get a place sorted out.
My concern is that jobs are few and far between at the present hence looking to stick with the one i have for now.Plus its a job i like and way better than my last shit menial job its just the money sucks:S
I got the car running figures from a guy i work with whos missus takes the same route i would in reverse,so it is a guesstimate.
Theres no way id sell the car ive got i spent nearly a year waiting for it and lost so much money through dud former friends and was a factor in the break up,etc 2 much crap to bore you with.Ive come far to far with it to sell it now!!its my baby :clapclap:
Cheers for the advice Giant,No chance to house share tho,ive got 2 much stuff i want to keep and after this relationship and all the non stop talking and needy behaviour all i need is my own space for a while,tbh from £300 for shared to £350 for own place isnt horrific its the same as what id pay here in Kettering.Ive arranged some house/flat viewing in Northampton on monday,so ill see how it goes,maybe it is time to take a leap of faith ,get out of my comfort zone and let the chips fall where they may (can you tell i watched fight club last night lol)

I am feeling more positive for the future and my life,like a weights been lifted off my shoulders.I have goals and dreams and hopes to chase.Almost like my closed in world of staying home depressed is starting to fade a little bit.
Im even taking a girl out 2mora night!! Wish me luck:D

Guest 11-08-2011 07:48 PM

Sounds like things are looking up Lovefish.. good stuff!!

Kudos for you living with your ex. I'd rather pour bleach in my eyes than do that.. but kudos!

Lovefish 11-08-2011 08:27 PM

I have nowhere else to go lol im lucky shes cool wid me being there tbh.Or my ass would be hitting the pavement.I wasnt planning on splitting with her till i was good to go.But it got 2 much during an argument and i told her i didnt love her we were over and that was that,not exactly as planned.But like i said although awkward were being pretty cool about it i think:)
Wow another scary thing coming up in the next few weeks,moving out on my own for the first time:l

Lovefish 15-08-2011 06:51 PM

Bummer on the move front.Ive had to stay in the small crappy town for a further 6months as my father is insistent he needs his owed money back asap.So ive gone for a small cheap flat.Gona clear the debt and then go.Ive got a car and im gona make the best off it.Im trying to think of it as a side step rather than step back.Itl give me time to clear debts,sort a new job where i want to move,put some cash in the bank and maybe start a course as suggested by Alpha.

Giant 15-08-2011 06:54 PM

Mate, it's actually a small step forward, you've left a relationship that wasn't working and in doing so gained more independence. You can start applying for jobs in Northampton/Wellingborough easily enough, then in 6 months move to Northampton.

Lovefish 15-08-2011 08:06 PM

Cheers for that dude.I kinda felt like a failure for a bit.Like i should just go for my dream.But reality says sort the money then chase the dream,its only on hold for a few months!!
Plus i can still tidy this flat up with sum paint and make it into a tidy shag pad;)

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