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aofelix 04-03-2012 09:10 PM

funny tricks or whatnot
anyone got any funny tricks or shit they do with girls? like passing pieces of paper with shit on them or something gay yet cute like that?

e.g. something u'd do in a society group talk or summat...

i know we're all inner game lovers blahblah but people must have their own favorite moves or quirky little funny tricks they like to pull?

dan300 05-03-2012 02:01 AM

Ive been thinkin about this lately myself. Im gunna learn a few cool tricks to wow people with.

I was watchin Chris Angel Mindfreak the other night & what he can do with a deck of cards is fuckin awesome.

I dont wanna be a boring cunt where the people your doin it to are like "oh wow you found my card"

I want them to be like "HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THAT WAS AMAZING"

But i dont know any, so this isnt an answer to your question. Im just gunna tag along & steal any answers you do get lol

lucidfer 05-03-2012 07:06 AM

I like pub tricks... but i usually lack the stuff on hand / memory to actually do them...


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