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ninjaelephant 28-12-2011 06:46 PM

Christmas Flakers!
So ive read a few threads of peoples experiences with girls being flakes. Well just after reading that it happens to me..twice :(

So we had a works christmas party at the start of december. Great night and chatted to allot of hot girls who work in my building. Got a few numbers which was a good result

Girl 1

So I text and arranged to go for lunch with the receptionist the day after the xmas party. We went for lunch lots of kino ,banter..she was a hb8 with a great sense of humor and felt a really good vibe. Txt for a few days after and she wanted to take me out for a drink which was rare for a girl with value to propose..great!

well she didnt txt me back..so I kept my cool and didnt reply. Seen her in the office a few time the next following days and we talked but nothing moving foward.

She txt me 2 weeks later after zero contact more or less and said" Hi its Alice! sorry I havnt been in contact ive been really busy with uni stuff, how was your xmas >? are you out 2nite "

I just didnt reply..and I wont reply. I really do want to reply but i think to my self " if I had done this to a girl and she txt or called in 2 weeks id sense a level of desperation "
Yes she could of been busy, had other stuff in her life going on but it only takes 2 minutes to txt or call me. I dont contact her again.

Girl 2
Banter on email the day after xmas party. Arranged to go up for a tea break a few times and chatted more. Hb7 with short blonde hair..lovely!
havnt got her number..just emails at the moment. I wanted to make it abit more formal so flirted..and kino on tea breaks which she responded.

So on the last day of work I emailed her saying " Give me your number so we can go for a drink over xmas time! "

Her: " haha! how about you give me your number and ill think about it "

RAGE FACE! :@ :non:

me : " haha have a good christmas. "

went ofline and went home.

On reflection this was probably a shit test which I responded badly too. I should of played along with the banter but it pissed me off so much I didnt want to take her out for a drink or even have her number anymore.

We got on allot. who knows we might pick this one up again when I return to work.

So yea I feel better now then i did before xmas when these both events happend. But im glad I didnt lower my value by being jumping on command.
I have a date with another girl from work tomorrow and she has just moved into her new place so this could be eventfull. Will do a field report on it at the weekend



Refl3x 29-12-2011 04:05 PM

Girl1 has another guy/s in her life which you dont know about, so you are a backburner for her
You didn right not to bother with her again
-just to contradict myself there is always the chance she was mega busy with uni work

You say shit test-- i just say she was bored at work and wanted to pass the day by flirting -- you should have brought this one to ahead much sooner by getting her number early on, and therfore not wasting your time.

this got me thinking and i want to make a point here
You can either be a lower value chaser or a high value chasee
BUT a low value chaser will fuck women the high value chasee walks away from because of his sense of value

even if girl1 did have another guy in the wings- you can now define your value as lower and respond to her-- you might end up fucking her- i have many many times on these ocasions, or if she was genuinely busy, again you may get chance to fuck her now

If you play the i am high value card you would ahve deleted her number as soon as she didnt txt back and thus quite possibly lose all chance of fucking her

I will say this though about playing the low value chaser, fucks you get but they are just that relationships dont come out of being with women and you chasing playing lower value

aofelix 31-12-2011 12:14 AM

high value chasee or as i call it... playing it cool makes you feel cool, seem cool but ultimately gets you little pussy compared to being more proactive.

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