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chillem 24-12-2011 01:24 PM

It don't take much
A mate came round the other day and as we went up in smoke and got slowly drunk we were chatting shit and stuff and we got onto the subject of facebook. she was asking why i'm still not on it blah blah and she was telling me about guys who had been messaging her. So anyway i cranked up the laptop and she showed me some of the recent messages she has got. i can't remember the exact words but one of the guys went something like this (she's single by the way and it says so on her profile)

him: hi x
her: hi
him: how r u? x
her: ok, how u?
him: gud x

next day

him: hi how r u? x
her: good tnx, u?
him: am gud too x


well after i'd recovered from my fits of laughter i asked her why she is 'friends' with someone so dull, she replied that he added her seemingly randomly and he looked quite fit in his pic. "but hes so fucking boring" I said, so she told me that most guys are when then try to start a conversation either online or in real life.

i suppose my point is that it doesn't take much to stand out from the fucking idiot zombie guys out there

Rabbid 24-12-2011 01:34 PM

Yeah it doesn't take much, if you're sat in on Facebook chatting you're probably bored anyway.. She's probably sat on Facebook cause she's a bit bored too so pretty much any type of conversation could become interesting.

Not being funny but there is a wall load of stuff people are writting about all day to give you loads of inspirations.

Just pluck something out the air and say Hey, blah blah. sod all this how are you stuff just start chatting lol.

chillem 24-12-2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rabbid (Post 60257)
Not being funny but there is a wall load of stuff people are writting about all day to give you loads of inspirations.

Just pluck something out the air and say Hey, blah blah. sod all this how are you stuff just start chatting lol.

erm ok cheers. i wasn't asking for advice for myself but thanks anyway :rolleyes: just merely saying how it doesn't take much to stand out from the sheep. i didn't quite realise until she showed me some of these messages how much a lot of guys out there think they're being somewhat original but yet all sound very similar and boring

there were other messages too. the place where she works was having some construction work done and one of the builders obviously found out what her name was, looked her up on facebook and sent her a message which went something like this;

"hi i saw you at xyz company and wanted to talk to you but i thought that someone as beautiful as you wouldn't want to talk to me so i thought id say hi and hopefully i could take you out for a drink"

when i read that i was gobsmacked to say the least. i had no idea that there are guys who actually think that being creepy is going to work. i mean i know that a lot of men have no confidence as i didn't have much confidence at one point, but i was never that fucking bad

Rabbid 24-12-2011 04:41 PM

Who said I was giving you advice lol

Lovefish 24-12-2011 05:02 PM

Agreed man the message you put there looks like a txt message conversation i might of had 5yrs ago.Shocking really that guys think that kinda boring convo is gona get em girls!!
I find it so easy to pick a subject IM pasionate about and talk about that or just any old random bollox,which i am finding is a bit more sucessful to get a number/day 2 as you can tend to drag them in with your interest.
tbh anythings better
eerr hi x:dead1:

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