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Phil 30-09-2011 06:53 AM

what are these muppets tryin to acheive
Jackal's Crew Birmingham Pick Up Artist Jackal Not Wanting to Teach Iceman 2-2.3GP - YouTube

this is 2 jackals, if u watch it, they are faking an argument??/

i dont get what their purpose is

Refl3x 30-09-2011 07:48 AM

I feel like im watching a Kezia Noble Video because im watching a pair of Tits
Except these tits dont make me feel like Playing with Palm'ela Hand'erson

THE JACKAL J000 30-09-2011 09:07 AM


scamp 30-09-2011 09:21 AM

Is it just me, or is all this stuff a bit Over the top?

I'm pretty sure it's groundwork for a satirical TV programme coming up in the future.

Kind of like Borat with the US rodeo or Brass Eye with the MP's denouncing "cake"

I'm With you Jackal! Lets take over the world! You and me Bud!

niknak 30-09-2011 06:29 PM

They are sooooooo dorky lol.

lucidfer 30-09-2011 08:11 PM

PUA forum trolls??? :D

THE JACKAL 19-10-2011 04:17 PM

There is science in everything I do. I can't help but make things come across as funny. Unfortunately sense of humour is only shared by very intelligent people.

I have a strong desire to respond back in kind. However this will not help anyone.

Unlike flakers. I m more than willing to meet anyone face to face. You can talk to me or laugh at me. That's cool, I need to develop thick skin.

The number one rubbish argument is that there are many that deslike me, so therefore I must be wrong. This is a bit silly as in the time of Christopher Columbus these same people would have believed the world was flat. If anyone wants an intelligent discussion I don't mind, I promise not to make personal comments.

Please don't see this as arrogance. I'm just making an analogy.

nova 19-10-2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57612)
Unfortunately sense of humour is only shared by very intelligent people.

So that's excludes you then.

nova 19-10-2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57612)
If anyone wants an intelligent discussion I don't mind, I promise not to make personal comments.

I'm all ears.

Phil 19-10-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57612)
There is science in everything I do. I can't help but make things come across as funny. Unfortunately sense of humour is only shared by very intelligent people.

I have a strong desire to respond back in kind. However this will not help anyone.

Unlike flakers. I m more than willing to meet anyone face to face. You can talk to me or laugh at me. That's cool, I need to develop thick skin.

The number one rubbish argument is that there are many that deslike me, so therefore I must be wrong. This is a bit silly as in the time of Christopher Columbus these same people would have believed the world was flat. If anyone wants an intelligent discussion I don't mind, I promise not to make personal comments.

Please don't see this as arrogance. I'm just making an analogy.

so your saying haveing people do live field reports.... that was comedy??

coz it was not funny. it was cringy & not situational cringe..

just dorky

THE JACKAL 19-10-2011 05:48 PM

How on earth can it be crinjey for you. Your not in it. Your are just projecting your own values onto it. Surely you are not that sensitive. With all your tough comments, and all your friends backing u up.

If there is any ego. I have to say that it is yours. I have given good reasons on u tube.

Ur reasons are only subjective. Not convincing.

Why do u not ask yourself why u have failed to convince me. Put your ego to one side then u might actually learn something.

I'm reasonable convince me and I will say thank you.

Ask yourself do u actually want to be silly or do u actually want to convince me.

How many of u have attacked me first. They are brave. Whereas the others just waited social permission from others to join in. Now there is nothing individualistic in that.

If anything some guys have come across as very politically correct. For example projecting crinjeness on behalf of the guys in the videos.

Why don't u just meet them in person and ask them. Or even PM them. The only intelligent reason not to do this is because u r scared of being proven wrong.

If I have removed anything it is to protect the fragile vanity of my opponents. Now do u think it is me who is more arrogant or u.

For the simple fact that all those who critiqued me, done it under the pretext of them feeling superior to me. How ironic that some of them bang on about equality.

Phil 19-10-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
How on earth can it be crinjey for you. Your not in it. Your are just projecting your own values onto it.

Because watchin socially awkward people is cringe! its a normal response with no baring on ego... which is why ricky gervais comedy is so popular among the intelligent, u must not be intelligent enuf to understand it, dont worry.


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
Surely you are not that sensitive. With all your tough comments, and all your friends backing u up.

i dont have any online friends... nobody on this site is my friend. and im pretty sure i havent made any 'TOUGH' comments because i have no need to, u are a worm. Ive seen u remember.


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
If there is any ego. I have to say that it is yours. I have given good reasons on u tube.

pretty sure i never mentioned ego, whats wrong with an ego anyway?? mines huge & ye it probably is mine


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
Why do u not ask yourself why u have failed to convince me.

im not tryin to i wish u would go away! can i convince u to bore off?


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
Put your ego to one side then u might actually learn something.

what ?? like how to centralise myself as a public enemy through some shit marketing ploy gone wrong, then find it has damaged your ego so much, that you feel you will be GETTING ONE OVER ON US if you convince us it wernt u??.


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
Ask yourself

Ok Ross


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
do u actually want to be silly



Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
or do u actually want to convince me.



Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
How many of u have attacked me first. They are brave. Whereas the others just waited social permission from others to join in. Now there is nothing individualistic in that.

and how would you know that f u only came here for the first time 2 days ago???


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
Why don't u just meet them in person and ask them. Or even PM them. The only intelligent reason not to do this is because u r scared of being proven wrong.



Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
If I have removed anything it is to protect the fragile vanity of my opponents. Now do u think it is me who is more arrogant or u.

OPPONENTS, it is defo u still... ur sliping back into that arrogant writing style... u r clearly a nob HAHAHA


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57617)
For the simple fact that all those who critiqued me, done it under the pretext of them feeling superior to me. How ironic that some of them bang on about equality.

i dont believe in equality... those of superior status should be treated as such.

It seems not only have i acheived this social acceptance in life... but also on this forum...

i would image the same applies to you in the negatory!


THE JACKAL 19-10-2011 08:30 PM

U have just admitted ur normal. nuff said. Shame u have a desire to stay there.

However thank you for your intelligent response. I actually have more respect for u, than when u were throwing insults. You have used less swear words. U don't really need it for me to listen. It just destroys any intelligent point u make by clouding it with animosity.

Yes u r right i' m holding back. I have adapted and i'm holding back the desire to lash out, I would think this approach is more mature. As I do not think anything personally negative towards u would help anyone.

ZenBobT 20-10-2011 12:54 AM

I read another post from you, do you really compare yourself to Christopher Columus?
I really don't understand, please explain.

THE JACKAL 20-10-2011 07:27 AM

Anything I say has the potential to come across as arrogance. I hate to say it. But If u wanna know what I get up to read the field reports by my students.

I don't need to sarge, nor do I need a GF. So have no reason to do FR. That is why I get my students to do them. The whole point about not doing my own was to prevent accusations of me being arrogant and boasting.

I am teaching, so that should be very clear.

Like I said I enjoy meeting people. The internet is liberating and we do tend to come across as we aspire to be and not as who we are. Which is why I see online confidence as totally false, if it cannot be matched up by verbal dialogue. Which is the reason a lot of guys who flame me, refuse to meet up. They cannot match up to their online toughness. Face to face, eye to eye, toe to toe. I don't mean to be aggressive, I'm just saying in person.

I am If I am being honest the most honest guy out there. In terms of intention to improve. To do things in fun way. My affirmations are a real desire.

If I said to you guys I was shit. Now that would be a lie.

The moment I say I am good, it threatens the ego of others who consider themselves to be superior to me, but lack the confidence of saying it publicly. They would rather break my legs than compete with me.

I don't need to write down rules anymore. As I am glad to say that I can now verbalise them with potency. So my original posts have now become real for me. Its like someone putting on a no smoking sign because they are too scared to tell people off.

I can feel smug in knowing that I given a lot of free entertainment to people.

I can be more smug but do hold back. I do care about peoples feelings. It does me hurt if people misunderstand what I do. Which is why I have adapted.

Thank u.

mainstreambeam 20-10-2011 09:24 AM

Ah ok, so the reason for you never sarging is because you don't want to show off. It all makes sense now why you don't get with any girls. I really like how modest you are.

It must be so nice being that good you can CHOOSE any girl you want to be with, how lucky are you. And being so good to teach after doing it for only a year. You must be a master, I bet you never want to settle down because of how many girls you can get.
I really like the honesty you talk about, such a good role model.

Phil 20-10-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57631)
I don't need to sarge, nor do I need a GF. So have no reason to do FR. That is why I get my students to do them. The whole point about not doing my own was to prevent accusations of me being arrogant and boasting.

so if you dont need to pull women, how in christ r u teaching PUA... to naive people may i add


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57631)
Which is the reason a lot of guys who flame me, refuse to meet up. They cannot match up to their online toughness. Face to face, eye to eye, toe to toe. I don't mean to be aggressive, I'm just saying in person.

no the reason they wont meet up is coz u expect them to travel to u, in birmingham.

100 miles away. There are plenty of manchester meet ups...& meetups EVERYWHERE from this forum... so i suggest it is YOU who is frighted.. most people on this forum have met sum1 else from here... u havent.


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57631)
If I said to you guys I was shit. Now that would be a lie.

The moment I say I am good, it threatens the ego of others who consider themselves to be superior to me, but lack the confidence of saying it publicly. They would rather break my legs than compete with me.

this is bollocks, i say im the shit all the time??? so thats another BORIN convo out the window, we are not like the other forums, we are not PUA.... we are just normal.

everything you say, u try and use words to control peoples train of thought, u are RUBBISH at it. U have clearly read alot of NLP & think u understand it but you dont.

because if you are deleting text, then re entering it in a way which you believe will change peoples process of thought, then ur stupid. Before you convince anyone of anythin, u need rapport... and trust & a whole load of other things of which you have none.

Your arguments have no substance, and are the rants of one with a jaded life. Your heritage is the reason for this, and whilst it may not be your fault, your in no position to be GUIDING people in the art of FREE relationships, Sex & hedonism.

if u want to come to liverpool, i will show u what NORMAL NON PUA men do to get women. it isnt a way to say things, or a way to act

it is a way to be! whatever u charge your students, i could quite easily charge 5 times that figure. i know this by how u speak, ur just a geek, same as them..

but you have enuf finesse about you to make it a business... but again, thats in your heritage too.

smart race, slim social skills

and also PS

riddle me this??

and do not lie to me.

Have you ever had sex? (with a girl).... (a real girl)

nova 20-10-2011 10:09 AM

So why have you joined this forum Jackal? What value do you think you can add? I'm am still non the wiser as to your 'science'.

THE JACKAL 20-10-2011 11:23 AM

Mr Phil your RACIST comment is not necessary. I can listen to you without it. I'm guessing you do have desirable attributes otherwise girls would not be sleeping with you. You do not have to prove anything to me. I am not the one calling you a liar.

I' have never pro-actively questioned other PUA's about their ability. So it is a pointless venture to question mine.

There is too much hostility on this site. All thise stuff about rapport is nonsense. If u wanted to have good dialogue with me. Maybe some of you should have attempted rapport first.

I have never set out to be hated. Phill with your racist language u are doing a far better job at it. I really don't see the reason for it, when you could be actually making new friends (me excluded off course).

You do have a sense of humour. So I will be honest to say you have made me laugh. Your insults and compliments are funny in a good way. Its made me giggle. Really the compliment its too much, I did not expect that. You have made me a very happy man. I am no where really that good. Seriously I only said that I was not shit.

To Mainstream. I could not resist. I like your style. It appears no matter what I say or do, you will feel that I am kissing my own ass. Dude if there was a way of coming across as confident without coming across as arrogant I would be doing it. Your getting smarter. Don't I'll feel threatened.

I'm done here. I came here to settle the issue with the fakes. I've never attempted to recruit anyone on this forum so do not feel the need to give explanations.

Phil 20-10-2011 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by THE JACKAL (Post 57635)
Mr Phill your RACIST

ah, the racism card! love all tha.

you ever heard of honour killings??? killing off women who marry men who are not indian / pakistani?? or killing the new suitor??

yes but u know what, ur right... im the racist

mainstreambeam 20-10-2011 01:07 PM

Ok Jackal, I see you are RUNNING AWAY now that you realize you could be exposed as someone that is a liar.
Clearly not answering the questions you feel uncomfortable with shows a lot about you.
JACKAL I do not agree with racism it is wrong, having being exposed to it myself I am a big hater of it! but there are stereo types that people will focus on in my culture and yours for instance a lot of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Idian men having arranged marriages and so on. I suppose you being such a stud and an alpha male in life there would be no need to think those things would happen to you.

I wish you well with your super so solid crew, prehaps Ill see you guys spay tagging in Birmingham one day.

I understand why you wont stay on this forum as it is not full of weak people you crave and can not play mind games with. From what i've been told and the messages I have recieved from you over time , you try and be an imtimidating force and always try to over-power people verbaly.
The fact you always want to meet people face to face, toe to toe can apere 2 ways. either you are trying to threaten and scare people or you think you can recruit them.

Phil 20-10-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by amit1207 (Post 57641)
Im pretty sure if you don't get any pussy and attention you are craving for you will ended up killing some thirteen year old That your married to.


Phil 20-10-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by amit1207 (Post 57647)
Im pretty sure if you don't get any pussy and attention you are craving for you will ended up killing some thirteen year old That your married to(Just keep in mind she is your cousin as this will make you feel better about her being your sister )

fixed .

Giant 20-10-2011 08:22 PM

Guys, why stoop to racist jokes? It's not necessary, don't respond to ignorance with ignorance.

Phil 20-10-2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Giant (Post 57656)
Guys, why stoop to racist jokes?

coz they are funny!

and jokes.

Status 20-10-2011 10:08 PM

This thread is just plain offensive and is achieving nothing.
Guys, please don't post offensive shit. That's not why we're here.

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