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flows101 17-07-2011 02:26 PM

Girls that talk too much…
A couple of nights when I’ve been out now iv met girls that just won’t stop talking, they carry on and on and on, now this can be a good thing depending on where I’m at in the interaction but as a guy I understand that I always have to be moving things forward & push for the make out but I find it difficult with very very talkative girls.

Also with these type of girls when I try to turn the conversation sexual they turn it back round to platonic boring shit. :argh:

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or thoughts on what I could do or say to slow the the vibe down in order to make easer & more natural to go for the make out.

The only decent tip I’ve been able to find so far is tell her “you talk too much” *then go for make out*

Refl3x 17-07-2011 02:37 PM

id give her 5 minutes and then say
'fkin hell do you ever shut up' (do it with a cheeky look tho)
'and breath'

now she will be conscious she is boring me and that i wont put up with her shit and supplicate to her.

Knave 17-07-2011 02:38 PM

These woman are 9 times out of 10 nervous and hiding it though chatter, a point also strengthed by the fact they turn the conversation back to plantonic shit because of self esteem issues talking sexual.

You should be controlling the pase anyway don't let them rabbit on, slow your speech down slightly more than normal don't play catch up, if she's racing ahead and asking you a dozen questions answer one. She's nervous because she's not comfortable, build more comfort, make her feel a bit more at ease.

You talk too much is good but is wrong for a girl like this, it works best on a 10 that needs bringing down a few pegs on a nervous out of control chatty girl it just makes her more conscioius she is nervous.

Refl3x 17-07-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 51565)
You talk too much is good but is wrong for a girl like this,.

Wrong...in your opinion

I am the boss of this interaction, she will comply or be ejected

This is an abundance mindset

Knave 17-07-2011 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Refl3x (Post 51566)
Wrong...in your opinion

I am the boss of this interaction, she will comply or be ejected

This is an abundance mindset

Let me think about this....okay yes to a point, but in a word.


Abundance mindset is absolutely fine, but use your intelligence.

Lets say she's cute, you like her, she's nervous thats obvious, a little insecure, not so obvious, amazing legs and you want to fuck her. Are you really going to crush spirit by saying 'for fucks sake you talk to much' and walk off. Leaving her even more self conscious. No you adapt to the girl stood in front of you, remain incontrol by leading the pace of the conversation and build more comfort with you, she'll change right before your eyes.

Situation two: stunning girl huge tits, confident, sassy, looks good bent over a table, rabbiting on about her own self importance, 'Man you talk a lot do you ever shut the fuck up, what if I put something in your mouth' big grin

Be adaptable and control the situation.

Refl3x 17-07-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 51567)
Lets say she's cute, you like her, she's nervous thats obvious, a little insecure, not so obvious, amazing legs and you want to fuck her. Are you really going to crush spirit by saying 'for fucks sake you talk to much' and walk off. Leaving her even more self conscious. No you adapt to the girl stood in front of you, remain incontrol by leading the pace of the conversation and build more comfort with you, she'll change right before your eyes.

I didnt say id walk off, by telling her to be quiet- ive dominated the interaction, but using a cheeky edge to it, then i can set the pace of the interaction and lead it where i want to
ive knocked her off balance and now im free to take it where i want.
ive also showed her i am the man!

if you can mask things with a cheeky persona you can get away with saying all manner of things that other people would get shot down for.

if on the other hand it ultra backfires - no loss

we both have the same point knave - the difference is ive just been a bit more dominant about it weras you pussy about more ;)

Knave 17-07-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Refl3x (Post 51569)
we both have the same point knave - the difference is ive just been a bit more dominant about it weras you pussy about more ;)

Probably, except I don't use emoticons

daleinthedark 17-07-2011 05:49 PM

Knave and Refl3x are both right about this!

However you have to do it in a way that you feel comfortable. Obviously Refl3x has louder flirty interaction, whereas Knave takes a more sensitive approach, both work well for each person

I usually try to lead the conversation from the bat off to avoid that from happening if there's a group, let's them know that I'm the leader and that I have value.

If it's 1-2-1 just interject, joke/wind her up about what she's saying so it puts her on the back foot and she can't go too fast.

If she's talking to you more than you're talking to her then your battle is half won as unless you are being awkwardly quiet girls expect guys to do most of the talking with initial interactions.

Knave 17-07-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by daleinthedark (Post 51575)
Knave and Refl3x are both right about this!

However you have to do it in a way that you feel comfortable. Obviously Refl3x has louder flirty interaction, whereas Knave takes a more sensitive approach, both work well for each person

I usually try to lead the conversation from the bat off to avoid that from happening if there's a group, let's them know that I'm the leader and that I have value.

If it's 1-2-1 just interject, joke/wind her up about what she's saying so it puts her on the back foot and she can't go too fast.

If she's talking to you more than you're talking to her then your battle is half won as unless you are being awkwardly quiet girls expect guys to do most of the talking with initial interactions.

Have you ever considered a career in the Diplomatic corps?

legend 17-07-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 51565)
These woman are 9 times out of 10 nervous and hiding it though chatter, a point also strengthed by the fact they turn the conversation back to plantonic shit because of self esteem issues talking sexual.

You should be controlling the pase anyway don't let them rabbit on, slow your speech down slightly more than normal don't play catch up, if she's racing ahead and asking you a dozen questions answer one. She's nervous because she's not comfortable, build more comfort, make her feel a bit more at ease.

You talk too much is good but is wrong for a girl like this, it works best on a 10 that needs bringing down a few pegs on a nervous out of control chatty girl it just makes her more conscioius she is nervous.

This advice is fraud. So you saying 90% of girls who talk too much is NERVOUS. Tell me you are joking. So if I talk too much then I am nervous as well. Or could it be, I have loads of interesting things to say?

And it is okay for me to talk too much and it is wrong if a girl talks too much. Fraud! I can't believe I am reading this. I rather a girl talks a lot than go quiet on me. At least I know I am interesting enough and she's showing some intents that she has a lot of things to say to me!!

flows101 19-07-2011 12:29 PM

Thanks to everyone for their advice, I have found allot of the different opinions & solutions this situation very valuable. :)

Refl3x 19-07-2011 01:10 PM

actually the very day of this post i landed a date with a girl through FB- she asked to chat to me on the phone and then bent my ear yapping on for ages, in fact i got bored part way through and scrolled through my txt messages.
i later joked we would have no silences because she talks all the time and i`ll just have to shut her up by kissing her-- we then hit a sexual frame and discussed oral and sex etc
and that she loves giving head--
so as i said-- i made her conscious of her talking, i then cleverly reframed it into a sexual frame and led the interaction

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