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anthony 02-07-2009 11:55 AM

How do you appear to your work colleagues?
How do you appear to your work colleagues?

In general, when I’m out, if I see someone who is attractive I will usually open them. This is obviously great from a personal point of view. However, people around you don’t always share your assumptions.

Eg, work colleagues, who are keen to get a bit of gossip, and keen to spread nonsense rumours such as ‘he’s a creep’ – or ‘he read this book about game, and...’

I’m due to start somewhere new soon, so I’d like to know what you think about this.

As a recent mini example, I just worked at a festival with a bunch of young people. I was speaking to all of the people there, and flirting with customers and staff. At one time, a girl accused me of being a ‘womaniser’ – actually, I kept my frame and honesty up, and she ended up being attracted to me.

I obviously will be confident and socially able, but I’m keen to avoid any pit-falls when out. Any thoughts on this?

Being overly honest can get you into trouble. E.g. ‘ I’ve joined a community of seduction specialists – we go out together and systematically get better at picking up girls’ – doesn’t exactly bode well for comfort.



Ritz 02-07-2009 02:44 PM

I think you can be honest and at the same time not give too much away, by watching your answers.
I think people's views of you when at work can go one of two ways - Its sometimes a positive, e.g. When Kowalski and myself were having a conversation about how some people will see you do something as simple as approach and be in set and be like "Wow he's a hero! Guys got game!" Etc. The other way is of course the negative side which you speak of, which i too have experienced.

I think the best way, is just to calibrate how much of your PUA side you show and to whom. (Easier said than done, right?!)

As a footnote, for me personally - it has always been males who had something negative to say about my flirtacious behaviour. Be careful not to trigger anyone's infiriority complex!


anthony 02-07-2009 07:32 PM

Cool, cheers fellas.

I think I'm on this just now. Honesty and disclosure - true true

Avon 03-07-2009 06:38 AM

i have spent years in the corporate environment and i would say that you should be very very VERY careful about disclosing the pua side of yourself.

I hate to say it but the pua community is still very covert and although it has been going on for centuries, people do not like to have things like this in the open.

take m***bation for example, everyone does it but it is not exactly poilte everyday conversation material.

being good at pua and game is just about having great social skills but many people do not see it that way.

I assure you that if you let it be known that you have read / listened to all this stuff, people WILL hold it against you. They will not understand the subtle details of game but will use it spread negative comments about you.

In time this will change but for now, many of those in positions of power over you will see being a pua in a negative light.

my advice would be, do not let on that you have read all this material or done any bootcamps etc etc. Just let them think that you are a naturally sociable sort of guy that chicks just happen to want to be with. a bit like being a HB. people do not hold it against a HB and blame her for the fact that guys hit on her all the time. Even though if a HB did not genuinly want guys to hit on her she would not spend hours on her appearance. So, let your colleagues think that you are just being yourself and just happen to have this natural magnetism about you. don't pull away the curtain and allow them to see all the hard work that has gone into creating this magnetism.

hope that helps mate and best of luck in the new job.

legend 03-07-2009 11:30 AM

I honestly cant see what the problem is. Probably different work environment. Im in the office all the time. Im friendly and sociable to everyone. I wont go around telling them that Im part of a community of pick-up artist and that I read "the game". When I go on a night out with them, and they see me chatting to girls, they just think Im just being my sociable self again like I am at work. No need to disclose anything unless the subject comes up...!

Much Success!

p.s. good luck with the job matey!

anthony 03-07-2009 05:03 PM


I remember a conversation with a girl you were seeing…

'he needs to be taken down a peg or two'

'when you learn to put the pegs up yourself...'


Breed 05-07-2009 12:31 PM

I totaly agree. Iv'e been called a womaniser by one of my best friends. He hates me talking about pua stuff, it's true when people don't understand something it can scare them into naturaly thinkings it's a bad thing. If only they knew!

I have a slight problem with talking about the game. I run a small telesales team, we are one of eleven teams; nine guys, two girls. Many a morning brief we talk about picking up girls, it can be used as a great analogy for the structure of a sales call. I think i'm going to stop advertising myself as a (wannabee)pua. I like to be thought of as me. Not me pretending to be somone else... pfff.

Avon 06-07-2009 07:55 AM

I agree 100% with kowalski. We must get away from being labeled as PUAs, the term has many negative connotations.

Guys, I know learning all this stuff is great and exciting especially when we see the results of what we are able to achieve once we start to acquire some basic skills but STOP SHOUTING ABOUT IT TO ALL AND SUNDRY.

PUA skills for men is a bit like make up is for women. let me explain, women know how to dress and look so that they make us men turn our heads, make a pulse start to race, make us "attracted" to them, or for want of a better term , to turn us on. All this they can do with clothes, make up, body language etc. Us men can not do this as easily because a) we are not taught how to do it and b) female attraction does not work in the same way.

So what the PUA community does a) learn the skills how to turn women on an b) understand female attraction. We are just learning how to press the buttons in women so that we do to them what they instintivley know how to do to us. Neither of these is a bad thing. Hey women actually WANT to be around the mPUAs. they make them feel good.

the thing is that we operate in the wider world and the wider world's perception of what we do is not a positive one. over time it will change. At the moment we are the trailblazers.

Calling what we do "Social Awareness" is exactly what we do.

Tom 06-07-2009 11:30 AM

It's not Social Awareness it being Socially Awesome! (as jynx would say)
but I do agree with what you say, I think PUA has a reputation for being manipulating but if a man buys a woman gifts, drinks etc that's fine even though it's trying to buy a woman's affection.

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