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darkhorn 03-06-2011 04:57 AM

Why she hides her pictures?
I've found her on Facebook. The reason why I've texted her is because we share some commonalities. First she shit tested me. She is 18 and I'm 24. Then she got interested in me. And now we are chatting for 2 weeks. Few days ago we've agreed to meet in person at mid June. Yesterday I've number closed her, at first she didn't seem to give me but then she seemed "happy" with it. And she uses her mobile phone operator to access Facebook (for free), however there are no images.

I can see her profile picture however her face is 13 pixels and she seems attractive but I cannot say for sure. Few days ago I've asked her picture and she told me "ok, I'll send you when I find a computer", yesterday I've asked her again and she told me "what if you don't like me". Because she is physically active girl (playing sports) I don't think that she will be ugly. It is same with her close friend (attractive but hides her pictures, also uses sunglasses)

I don't know, why she does not want to be seen? How I can make her to show me her picture?

This is her http://i.imgur.com/JjMHT.jpg (don't worry, I live in a country with very low English literate, very low chance to be found, also this image was/is public)

Guest 03-06-2011 06:03 AM

Has it ever occured to you that this "18 year old girl" is a sick paedophile?

Why are you even chasing this girl?

Just move on and find someone better who actually likes the way they look

Refl3x 03-06-2011 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by al_phaD (Post 48144)
Has it ever occured to you that this "18 year old girl" is a sick paedophile?

To be fair sick paedophile dates are fun, they buy you balloons show you their puppies and do some heavy petting with you


Do ya wanna be in my gang?

Status 03-06-2011 08:03 AM

I'm sorry to tell you this mate. But she's hideously ugly. Move on.
I speak from personal experience .

Maxemillion 03-06-2011 08:05 AM

wrong, leave the house and meet locals

Darood 03-06-2011 08:16 AM

There is one simple phrase that you should use.


PostScript 03-06-2011 08:30 AM

she's either disproportionately insecure about her looks, or ditsy and incompetent of posting photos, or she's a rough as a badger's bum. Either way, proceed with caution.


gappy 03-06-2011 09:59 AM

clearly has a face like a meat cleaver

Rabbid 03-06-2011 11:58 AM

Two weeks? Chasing for a picture? Serisouly mate. Meet her see for yourself sod the picture.

If shes fugly then move on

If shes hot then stay around.

Rabbid 03-06-2011 11:58 AM

Also whats with the reason to text her? Why are you justifying to us or even her as to why you're talking to a girl. Guess what your a guy shes a girl lol.

darkhorn 03-06-2011 12:13 PM

Now I'm like, at least how many likes her posts has to have in order to be considered pretty? Seems unreliable. There is an ugly girl with 5-6 likes, HB10 with 9 likes, normal girl with 2-3 like and she is 5-6 likes for every post :/ Whatever, that is how a statistician thinks.

Yes, I'll see her anyway but I'm curious. Also I've thought whether she is testing me...

MatrixMan 03-06-2011 12:20 PM

Just did a reverse image search - it returned 0 matches.

Just go meet "her".

But watch out for this:
YouTube - ‪Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis) - (Your Favorite Martian music video)‬‏

Rabbid 03-06-2011 12:21 PM

Stop thinking, go and do.

Rabbid 03-06-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by MatrixMan (Post 48180)
Just did a reverse image search - it returned 0 matches.

Just go meet "her".

But watch out for this:
YouTube - ‪Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis) - (Your Favorite Martian music video)‬‏

Sweet good old RWJ lol

Rebus 03-06-2011 03:50 PM

People, look at the image that the OP mentioned of her in the first post.


it's a siamese twin!
2 heads
4 legs

Twisted and Reflex were right -- abort abort press Escape key before its too late... aaaaaaaaaaarrrggghh

chops147 03-06-2011 04:12 PM

just put it like this.

i'm gonna see what you look like eventually so you may as well show me a pic plus what I want to recognise you wen we meet

she might not want you to see what she looks like so if wen you meet you turn out to be a weird looking smelly fat bloke she can run away.

Maxemillion 03-06-2011 07:14 PM

I'd do a siamese if they were fit. Look at her weird dress sense, she dress like a boy. She blacks out her face. I think she's an unstable dyke. Why is she entertaining some random bloke from the net rathr than dating a guy she knows. This is a waste of your time, and a partial waste of ours altho I enjoyed inspecting the photo.

darkhorn 03-06-2011 07:21 PM

hey, she made a surprise; she has uploaded a picture several minutes ago. she is HB7.5 - 8.

darkhorn 03-06-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Maxemillion (Post 48216)
I'd do a siamese if they were fit. Look at her weird dress sense, she dress like a boy. She blacks out her face. I think she's an unstable dyke. Why is she entertaining some random bloke from the net rathr than dating a guy she knows. This is a waste of your time, and a partial waste of ours altho I enjoyed inspecting the photo.

no no, the other girl. the blacked face is someone else. neither i nor she is random, i was sending messages (once every 2-3 days on Facebook) to girls that i have commonalities. we have ethnic commonality where we live in a foreign country.

chops147 03-06-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Maxemillion (Post 48216)
Why is she entertaining some random bloke from the net rathr than dating a guy she knows.

How do you know the people you know?

You met them.

Maxemillion 04-06-2011 09:53 AM

my bad, the girl with the unblacked face looks quite fit. as now confirmed by second pic. how do you do a commonalities search on fb? i thought it was all name search.

darkhorn 04-06-2011 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Maxemillion (Post 48241)
my bad, the girl with the unblacked face looks quite fit. as now confirmed by second pic. how do you do a commonalities search on fb? i thought it was all name search.

We live in specific parts of the city. Some people make profiles for cafes or locations, yes profiles for non person things. I add them as friends; mostly they contain girls from my homecountry. I mean think like the Chinese part of San Francisco. Then by clicking their friends I watch for girls who are from my homeland country. I choose non ugly ones. I send messages to all hot ones, and messages to less hot ones but who have some commonalities with me, like if she is Pastafarian (she is too, like me). This girl is also a geek (like me), she has listed her web site as www.ialwayswantedtomakeawebsite.com (nonenglish of course).

Sometimes I add them to bookmarks in order to send messages later on. Sometime I add them as friends directly. I try to avoid messaging "her" friends.

PostScript 04-06-2011 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by darkhorn (Post 48243)

? what is a pastafarian, someone who wears a spaghetti fro?


darkhorn 04-06-2011 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by PostScript (Post 48246)
? what is a pastafarian, someone who wears a spaghetti fro?


Nonreligion ppl write Pastafarian as their religion. It is a parody religion. You can get more info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastafarian

PostScript 04-06-2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by darkhorn (Post 48247)
Nonreligion ppl write Pastafarian as their religion. It is a parody religion. You can get more info from Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ahhh lol, makes me a lapsed pastafarian then.


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