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underpatch 30-03-2011 04:10 PM

It seems so right. Yet it always fails.
In the time between work and more work. I have found a little time to do some solo PUA`ing. As many of you know my style is rather different. I let the women approach me using my drawing skills as bait. Let me tell you it works. Just sitting by myself at a bar I will easily talk to about 10 girls a hour. Then I pick the girls with whom I am the most interested in and try and take it a little further. I usually number close at this point.

I was setup close to the bar. Where there would be a high amount of traffic and I am sure to be noticed. In this situation there where two girls talking and periodically looking over at me. The one girl walks over to me.

"My friend would really like to come and look at your drawings. She is just a little shy." she said.

I looked over to the friend. A medium tall thin girl. Great figure and blond hair.

I smiled and said"Sure."

I shifted position is the chair making space to alow her to see my pictures without obstruction. She walked around the table while her eyes where locked on the drawing. Now with the drawing viewed in the right perspective her mouth fell open. Her eyes widened a little and she made a small sound I can only describe and a whimper.

"Did you draw that?" she asked.

"O yes. I very much did. Would you like to see a finished one?" I said in response.

She looked up from the page and when her eyes met mine her hand immediately shot up to brush hair behind her ears.

"Yes please!" She said.

I turned the page back to my previous drawing. Her mouth fell open again followed by another small whimper. Every time her eyes met mind she subconsciously tried to neaten up her hair.

We spoke a little further while I showed her even more drawings. Eventually I tried to number close. She seemed quite eager to give it to me.

Now here is what I am wondering. She never responded to my email and it seemed to me that it was at least a sure day two.

The next girl I talked to the following night. I was sitting at my spot close to the bar. At this time there was a group of about 6 girls sitting next to me.

At one point the one girl said. "No way! Look at that!.

Just like that I had 6 pairs of eyes on me. The one girl who was sitting with her back to me the entire time now saw the drawing.

"Dont tell me you did that with just pencil." She said.

I looked at her a little funny because I was not expecting such a response.

"You realy know how to draw the forms. Even the hands. I struggle so much with the hands." she said.

In my mind it was like a stadium of people rising to their feet all cheering with exuberance while a announcer proclaims over the sound system.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We have a winner!."

Giving my head a little shake just to bring myself back to reality. I asked"Do you draw?"

She said."O yes. But nothing like what you are doing. By the way. Are you South African by chance?"

"Yes."I said.

She gave a small cheer and rapidly clapping her hands for a short period.

"I am South African as well! So glad to see a local guy with these skills. Look .... look at this." She fumbled around in her purse for a while and pulled out her cell phone. She showed me some of her drawings.

"Yes I also only draw girls. I just love the shapes their bodies makes and the curves." She said.

The stadium announcer in my head says over the speaker system. " Ladies and gentlemen. In a very unusual twist. Our winner has also won the second and third place prizes."

I asked for her email adress and she gleefully gave it to me. Adding that I must make sure to contact her tomorrow. So I did. And I still have not gotten any response yet.

So what am I doing wrong. I am starting to get some great responses from girls now. But I am simply not getting any further contacts. Does anyone have any ideas ?

Refl3x 30-03-2011 04:26 PM

Dont worry about it or second guess yourself, just play the numbers game and some will bite.

Could it be that you are getting their interest on your skill rather than on you as a person -- ie not generating any attraction.

scamp 30-03-2011 04:39 PM

What reflex said...but out of interest, how are you wording your emails?

chops147 30-03-2011 04:50 PM

I never get e_mails it's a very American thing hence why style/mystery advocate it but I never check my yahoo account cos I get like 200 spam messages a day.

try getting the mobile number next time and see if this improves for you ;)

underpatch 30-03-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by scamp (Post 40543)
What reflex said...but out of interest, how are you wording your emails?

Good morning.

It is that artist guy from last night. It was very good to meet you.

I must say it is rather rare to meet a girl whom is also into drawing girls. I would like us to get to gether some time and maybe do a little viewing. You have seen mine and it is only fair if I get to see yours.

Good bye and enjoy your day. :)

That is what I sent her.

chillem 30-03-2011 04:54 PM

Would including one of your drawings in your emails be a good idea? I dunno.... just thinking out loud

chops147 30-03-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by underpatch (Post 40547)
Good morning.
You have seen mine and it is only fair if I get to see yours.

that's wrong very needy

try a challenge instead of the subtle guilt trip

e.g you've seen how awesome my pictures are. I wanna see if you've got what it takes :p

chops147 30-03-2011 04:58 PM

Oh and winky smiles are good cos they're cheeky ;)

underpatch 30-03-2011 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by chops147 (Post 40551)
that's wrong very needy

try a challenge instead of the subtle guilt trip

e.g you've seen how awesome my pictures are. I wanna see if you've got what it takes :p

Well I said that because it sounds like something that has sexual innuendo. You know. You saw mine not show me yours. Anyway.

chops147 30-03-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by underpatch (Post 40553)
Well I said that because it sounds like something that has sexual innuendo. You know. You saw mine not show me yours. Anyway.

went completely over my head. but defo go for phone number I say. you got any pictures of your drawings I'd love to have a look ;)

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