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Warhol 14-02-2011 09:51 AM

loose virginity before march
hi there

My situation is that im 19 and am turning 20 in march.Im desperate to lose my virginity beforr im 20 and i do not wanna be hiring a hooker as i think its still possible for me to fc. I would really like any help as i am wholly dedicated.

What should i do?

scamp 14-02-2011 03:51 PM

I'll fuck you

bushido 14-02-2011 04:28 PM

bad attitude to have, desperation=neediness=unattractive, leads to no girls or a girl who is really shit and u regret and feel like shit...

why feel any pressure? who cares doesnt matter how long it is jus use it to drive you to talk to more girls but dont think i need something from her, she'll sense it, and it will fuk u over.

my take on it


Phil 14-02-2011 04:50 PM

hire a hooker, get it out the way, its not a big deal....

once u fucked ur past it!! either that or groom a 16 year old :)

Maxemillion 14-02-2011 04:52 PM

Clean ur room, chang the bedding, go clubbing every night and pull those birds who stand around wasted at the end, jealous that their friend has pulled and not them. Confidently say 'I'm going home now, do you want to come?' then pause.

Rebus 14-02-2011 08:31 PM

I second Max's post. He's replied literally to the specific problem u posted about. Follow those steps if u need a shag pronto. But if you gonna be picky, you gonna need good game, and that take time to practice while out sarging.

chops147 14-02-2011 09:14 PM

Phill is right
get a hoe Once it's over with you'll be like "what was that all about" :badgerslayer:

Maxemillion 15-02-2011 05:41 AM

I might take my own advice on this. I now know what the last missing piece of my game is and its sexual confidence. At some stage during the conversation the girl is going to think some equivalent of 'could this guy smash it?'. If the answer in their mind is 'no' they dont want to sleep with some guy who'd be shit in bed. So at the moment I show confidence in talking with and touching women but not in pounding them senseless. I would hire a ho but I'm scared of std's and that would ruin the moment. So in order to get laid regularly I need to get laid, tonight! (begins room clean phase..)

Warhol 15-02-2011 09:06 PM

im at college right now, have never been clubbing and i still live with the parents , do not have many friends(little to none).
Ive been the social outcast through my sixth form year in my old college, but ive gotten past that and i do have a few aquatance's, however i do not talk with them outside college etc. I realy really want to do something about this as i see my life know as a downward spiral. The reason i want to get laid is the fact that the average age to get laid is 16. But i know that i really would not have lost my virginity due to it being a hooker. Im off to uni next year and i want the months remaining in college to be able to learn new and improve my social skills not just with girls but with people in general.

Ive also got a bit of a stalker phase going, well there was this "10" that came to my college. I never even said hi to her throughout the enitire year of college, but the funny part is that she was more attracted to me then i was to her:(

I really would appreciate your help?

Blanca 15-02-2011 09:39 PM

Hello Warhol,

I can understand your situation and wholly sympathise. You're in a fucked up position, feeling pretty shitty about it and want to change your life for the better. I applaud you sir, but have one note of caution.

If you're after a magic spell that's going to transform you from a social outcast into a "Pick Up Artist" in the next 2 weeks you've come to the wrong place. Asking us for one-size-fits-all magic advice to get with girls is almost the same as me asking Jimmy Page how to be an amazing guitarist. It's just not as simple as that. The only way to "get laid before March" for a guy in your position is to get a hooker. I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but the sooner you accept it the better.

However, leading on from this, if you're as committed as you say, then there is plenty we can do to help in the long-run. For a start, fuck the people at college. I did Physiology during my second two years at uni and a good chunk of my coursemates were cliquey twats and pretentious bellends so I didn't have much to do with them. There's plenty of people in the world without worrying about being mates with people who aren't important.
Second, read as much as you can on here. There's some real gems of posts dotted around the place and you have at your disposal the wisdom and musings of guys not only with experience, but also a lot of intelligence. To this end, start going out with guys from the forum. I'm not saying they'll get you laid, or even snogged, but you'll improve your social abilities no end.
Thirdly, there are one or two products out there worth having (word of warning - most stuff is full of shit and is repackaged Mystery Method stuff designed to part you from your cash). I'd buy *cough*download*cough* both Juggler's book and RSD's Blueprint Decoded. The Game isn't bad if you fancy a good read, but don't take it's teachings too seriously.

Now get cracking! By the time uni rolls around you'll be well on the way to social awesomeness.

Oh by the way, since when was 16 the "average age" to lose one's virginity? I wasn't aware of any national statistic? For the record, I always did ok with girls around the 16/17/18 mark and I lost mine at 17. Who cares what age you lose it at? People who give you shit over that kind of thing usually aren't having sex either.

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