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pyromaniak 24-05-2009 02:44 PM

THE RULES OF THE GAME by neil struass
iv been doing the style life challenge which is the sequal to the game
im on day 10

so far im not very impressed and about ready to throw that book away

has anyone else read this
if so whats the thoughts on this

Ritz 29-05-2009 02:02 AM

Im currently readin the book. I've not tried the challenges though I plan to do so when i can set aside the time. I have however, against the author's wishes, read ahead and have to say while some of it sounds stupid, the missions seem to justify themselves as a means to an end. Just stick at it I say.... nothing to lose but everything to gain right? Also when you're done with the challenges be sure to read on as Style explains "Rules" through short stories of his escapades as a PUA. Some of these are quite amusing and generally a good read. I'll do the challenge myself anyway and I'll too report my findings :)



sykosi 16-06-2009 09:41 AM

I got stuck on mission 3 and stopped reading. I was quite excited about missions 1 and 2 but 3 just seems really hard for me...I've not even attempted it. I might pick it up again in the future.

pyromaniak 16-06-2009 07:57 PM

yeah im doing the same thing

enigma 17-06-2009 10:35 PM

You guys are joking, right?

No? Ok, "tough love" time, kiddies....

If you aren't prepared to actually try, you're never going to get anywhere.

Of course you have the time to do this - if needs be, stop reading FHM, Nuts and Loaded and watching porn for a month :-) Joking aside, none of the missions take extra "time" it's all stuff that you can do when you're on a lunch break, in town, or out for an evening. Jeez, next time you buy something in a shop - try out the first few missions on the shop assistant. Next time your waiting in a queue, at a bus stop, on a train etc - TALK TO PEOPLE! rather than play with your phone or listenng to your ipod

This challenge started life 3 years ago when Style created "the Stylelife challenge" - which was basically an online version of "ROTG" where each day's missions would be loaded up each daythrough June. You couldn't afford to get left behind cos missions were deleted after being up for more than a couple of days - you were FORCED into action!

The challenge was to get a date in 30 days - of the several thousand that started, only about 120 made it through the 30 days - and I was a proud member of that exclusive group. Trying every mission, EVERY day, even when I thought they were stupid or scary or I was too tired or too busy - sticking to my commitment to DEVELOP MY SKILLS AND STICK WITH IT got me through, and led to my f-close, on the beach, on a day 2, abou 2 weeks into the challenge ;-)

Guys, what I'm saying is if you genuinely want to grow your game and improve your social and pick up skills - you are actually going to have to do something about it!

Or by all means, keep reading about how to be a PUA and leave all the women for people who are prepared to at least give it a go.




P.S. These words are meant as tough love. I trust you will understand that.

Status 18-06-2009 03:35 PM

Wise words, enigma.
I am gonna have to check this book out. I'd not heard of it until now.

Ritz 18-06-2009 11:30 PM

Gotta agree enigma. Afterall, if you wanna get anywhere in life, not just PUA, you've gotta stick at it and leave your comfort zones!


Hurricane 01-10-2009 09:17 PM

I've read both book by Syle and in my opinion, the sequel isn't as good.

Okay, it gives you a few hints and tips on sticking points and from time to time I still flick through it and use it as cheat notes but in the end it comes to arranging some form of dinner party, haha - no deal.

a) A "dinner party" isn't either my scene or my mates/or the girls I'm trying to fire into.

b) I'm still living with the parents and I don't think they'd appreciate my intentions of this "dinner party" or having it in their establishment.

But don't get me wrong, squeeze all the information out of it and use it to your flavour.

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